If You Do: Jackson

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"Bye fat ass!" your older brother said.

"Good bye you good for nothing son of a bitch!" you laughed.

"You're dad!" he laughed.

"Shit at least I got one. My parents took you in because they found you in a trash bin. So they took you in out if pity, not out of love" you said.

"Man, you still can roast" your older brother said as he hugged you tight "I'm going to miss you"

"Me too," you said now crying

"Tell Mommy and Daddy I love them." you cried as you watched your older brother leave.

You turned around to and went home. As you got closer, you heard grunts and the punching bag being hit. You walked in and saw Jackson in a nice outfit... But he was punching the punching bag quite hard, as if he was angry. You walked up to him and smiled.

"Why are you wearing such nice close when you're working out?" you said as you held the bag for him.

He glared at you amd kept on punching the bag. He stopped and looked at you.

"Are you cheating?" he asked.

"No why?" you asked confused.

"Because you cancelled out on our date and then went with another guy," he shouted.

"What are you-" you tried to say.

"Don't act dumb, you whore! I saw you this morning!" he shouted.

"I don't know whether I should feel hurt amd cry because you called me a whore or laugh because you got it all wrong," you said.

"What are you talking about now?" he asked.

"I cancelled on our date because my older brother, yes the one that you saw me with this morning, came in and surprised me while I was making my way to you!" you shouted as tears streamed down your face.

"______________, I'm so sorry for what I said... It's just that I saw what I saw and I assumed that the handsome giy was your other boyfriend." Jackson saod as he hit the bag with his head.

"It's okay," you said and kissed him on the forehead.

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