Christmas Special: Yugyeom

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You guys were walking hand in hand as the winter breeze brushed past you guys. You were wearing matching mits, ear plugs, sweaters, jackets, and boots. Even matching scarves. You guys walked until you saw a line for ice skating for free. You guys got in line and when it was your time to go skating, you guys went.

"YAH! JAGI! WAIT!" Yugyeom said as he struggled to skate.

"Come on oppa!" you laughed as you circled him again and began pushing him.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" he screamedand covered his eyes.

"Don't cover your-" you tried saying but he crashed into the wall.

"Yah! You made me crash into the wall. Now people are laughing at me" Yugyeom pouted.

"Calm down. It's not that bad" you said az he began crawling away.

Yes. Crawling as in all four. When he got to the end ge rushed to the bench, took off the skates and left.

"Yah oppa hold up" you said laughing as you noticed him mad.

You walked after putting the skates away and rushed to him. You grabbed his arm and twisted him to face you.

"Oppa choisonghamnida!" you said and he didn't budge.

You shool him while he kept ignoring you.

"Fine. No kiss for you!" you said and he grabbed your wrist.

"Yes jagi!" he said and you burst out laughing.

"Oh hell nah!" you laughed.

"I want a kiss for embarrassing me in front of a crowd" he said.

"Fine" you said giving in.

You kissed him for a while and when you guys seperated, you rested heads on each other.

"Merry Christmas oppa" you said.

"Merry Christmas jagi" he said and kissed your head.

"Omo" you said.

"What?" Yugyeom asked worried.

"We're right under a mistletoe" you said smiling.

"And we'll kiss under the mistletoe!" he said before pecking your lips

Merry Christmas!

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