Daddy Is Here: Yugyeom

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"PUSH!" the doctor said.

"What the fuck does it look like I'm doing!?" you shouted.

"The head is out. A little more!" the doctor said.

You pushed with all your might and you collapsed on the bed. You heard a baby crying and you looked as the doctor came and gave you your knew baby.

"Congratulations on having a new boy" the doctor smiled.

"Thank you." you smiled "Hey there baby boy. I'm your Mommy. You will be known as... Aron? You will meet Daddy when he comes back from his tour"

You were discharged and you went home. You went and slumped yourself on the couch with Aron in your arms. A few hours later, laughter was heard outside.

"Babe?" you heard Yugyeom shout.

"Hello!" JB shouted.

"The wild and sexy Jackson Wang is-"

"Shut the hell up!" you shouted.

Everybody was silent and looking at you. They looked at you with shock.

"I got a present for you guys!" you smiled.

You went upstairs and grabbed Aron. You slowly walked down to them and when you turned the corner, everybody's mouths dropped. You went to Mark.

"Aron. This is your uncle Mark... He is your Daddy's best friend. And this is JB... The second Dad of this little family. This Jackson... The annoying uncle.... This JR.... Your second Mom... You will be spoiled by him the most because I trust him more. This is your uncle Youngjae... He's the uncle I want you to not sleep with... And this is uncle BamBam... He is the one that will be the one to make you laugh." you smiled and approached Yugyeom.

He stood there frozen. Not moving. And look Aron... Your Daddy is here!" you smiled and Arob showed his gums as a result if smiling.

Yugyeom looked at you and began crying. He fell to his knees. A few minutes later, he arose from the ground and smiled. He grabbed Aron from you.

"Hello Aron. It's your Daddy here. My name is Yugyeom" he said trying not to cry.

You turned to the other six and looked at them. You smiled and said "If any of you guys make Aron cry... Your families will be the ones crying at your own funeral. Got it?"

Everybody's mouth dropped open instantly and nodded.

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