Bad Boy, Good Girl: Mark (Rquested)

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You walked with your head down... Like usual. You always hid your face when you were in school in hope for Mark and his gang to never see you. You were their recent target. You don't know why. You were always bullied by them. You rushed to your locker as you saw that no one was there. You opened it, grabbed your stuff that you needed and than closed your locker. You turned around only to bump into someone.

"Where you going so quickly" you heard his voice.

"Class" you said.

"Class this. Class that. What are you? A nerd?" he asked making everybody laugh.

You tried to leave but he grabbed your wrist and yanked you back to the lockers.

"You should know your place and stop trying to run away from me" he said sternly.

And then he just left you there. You stared at him, while he left you. You went to your class and sat there. It was the end of the day and you rushed out of the classroom. You were making your way to the door where the world is separated from the hell... I mean school. But you were stopped when you heard a few voices call out your name. You stopped and turned around to see that it was BamBam and Yugyeom. Mark's little minions. They ran up to you but you went and ran away from them. They kept chasing you until you were at your house, where you scurried to  your door and slammed it shut on their face while they pound on the door for you to open. It was the next day, and you were at school. You were walking in the hallways, when you noticed that you were surrounded by all of the boys except Mark.

"We need you to come with us" JB said sternly.

"No" you said.

"What?" he said surprised.

"No!" you said with tears in your eyes.

"Why?" they all said.

"Because you guys are all bad people!" you screamed and made ran out of the circle with them running after you.

You hid at the rooftop the whole day. Fear was the only thing that you were feeling. The bell rang and you went down to go home. You were at the door when Jinyoung grabbed your wrist. Fear was written all over your face.

"Please come with me. I won't hurt you" he said.

"How do I know that you aren't even lying?" you asked as you began to tear up from the fear that was gathered inside of you.

"Please" he said, more like a commanding way.

"No! Leave me alone. You don't know how hard you guys made my life like. I had to watch my parents die in my own eyes, and then I come here to be hurt even more. I have to cry myself to sleep because it hurts. You guys have hurt me so much that I jump every time people are around me. I hate it. You guys are the causes of my scars on my arms! You guys have pegged me with snowballs. You guys made me fall on broken glass. You guys spread false rumors! What more do you want from me. What are you going to do now. Tell me now so I can prepare for it mentally and physically." you cried and JR's eyes widened.

You turned around only to bump into Mark's chest. Your eyes widened when you felt his long strong arms entangle you into them.

"Please forgive me. I'm not that good with confessing to people that I like. So I thought that being mean to you would make you notice me. But instead, I've hurt you. Please forgive me and my group. My only intentions were to get your attention... In a positive way. Please. I'll do anything if you forgive me and the boys." he said as he kneeled down.

"But why?" you asked as the tears couldn't stop fall.

"Because I love you" he said and your eyes widened.

"You love me?" you asked shocked.

"Always have" he said "Would you be my girlfriend?"

"Are you going to hurt me?" you asked.

"This bad boy promises to never hurt such a good girl like you" he said and you nodded your head smiling.

He then scooped your up and kissed you.


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