Congrats: Yugyeom

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"Kim Yugyeom!" the voice called and the hall went berserk.

Screams were heard. You smiled as you saw him walk across that stage to get his diploma. You looked at him but it seemed like he didn't see you because he kept looking at every direction. He frowned and came and sat down. You waited until everybody was done with being called and receiving their diploma. When the principal made her last speech, she turned and smiled.

"This is the class of 2016" she said and the students threw their caps in the air while they cheered.

"Go baby!" you smiled and went outside as the crowd began to head to the front to get a glimpse of Yugyeom.

"WAH! Our baby has grown up" JR said as he wiped a single tear from his eye.

"Are you crying?" you teased.


"Sheesh. You didn't have to yell" you said and heard screaming which meant that Yugyeom was out of the auditorium.

You turned your head to see girls running with multiple phones in their hands and Yugyeom running for his life.

"YAH! Please stop!" JB commanded and everybody stopped.

Everybody panting and breathing hard as they rested their hands on their knees. JB walked up to Yugyeom and patted his back.

"Congrats man!" he smiled and hugged the younger one.

"AAAAHH!" the girls screamed.

They pushed their way and ran towards the boys. You stood there as you watched everybody pulling each of the members.

"Yugyeom!" you shouted as you waved your arms in the air.

He looked at you and continued on with his little fan service. You looked at the time and you had to leave. You tried making your way to Yuygeom but you were pushed to the back again.

"YUGYEOM!" you shouted even louder and he looked at you and continued his fan service.

You decided to leave and then left to their dorm to drop off his gift. You made your way to the airport to catch your flight. You hopped on your plane and went back to the states.

A Couple Months Later:

"Now I would like to call the class Valedictorian of the class of 2016 ____________________________________!" your principal announced.

The crowd erupted as well as your classmates.

"Greetings and welcome to the class of 2016 graduation of the Hoodrats High. I am gladly to speak upon on behalf of everyone here and I will be forever grateful for this opportunity. But, I want to make this speech short and simple. The class of 2016 of the Hoodrats High. We was turnt and I loved that about us. We always had good times and the bad times. You know, it felt good to be bad. Not bad meaning bad but bad meaning good y'know. It was so turnt that we actually made it to hyphiest high school rallies on BET. Our senior year performance was so turnt that it became viral. Our prom was turnt the fuck up because it got shut down because  the twins thought it was funny to twerk on the fire alarm. Lani and Sela, ya two crazy. Shout out Ms. Mimi. You was the bomb . com! And shout out to the class of 2016 of Hoodrats High, the most hyphiest class ever to set foot on this campus." you ended and the crowd and your classmates erupted with applause.

More like the audience applauded and your classmates were shouting "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYY!", "SQUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDD!", "CHEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" You went and sat down and they began to call up everybody to  receive their names.

"Lani Ave!" the principal said.

"That's my twin right there!" Sela shouted.

"AYE! GO BWOO!" you shouted.

"Sela Ave!"

"That's my twin! That's my twin!" Go twin!" Lani shouted.

"Go BOOBOO!" you shouted.

"Jason Im!"

"That's my best friend! That's my best friend!" you shouted

"__________________________________!" your name was called and went up to grab your diploma.

But before you actually went up, you began being hella ratchet and began to dance your way up the stage. Your classmate was all yelling "AYE~!".

"That's bwoo thang! You go bwoo!" Lani shouted.

"That's my best friend! That's my best friend! Go best friend!" Jason shouted

Everybody cheered and than that ceremony was finished. The teacher said her last words and that was when you guys switched the sash to the other side of the cap and then you guys threw it in the air. You walked down the stage and met up with your family.

"You go girl!" your sister shouted as she came and hugged you as she slapped down dozen of candy leis on you.

(Those shits are fuckin heavy! Believe me. This is my collection of candy leis for my graduation for High School... Class of 2K15!)

"________________" a voice said quietly

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"________________" a voice said quietly.

You turned around and your eyes widened.

"Y-Y-Yugyeom?" you said and began to cry.

He ran up and hugged you. You kissed your head.

"Congrats!" he smiled.

"I didn't think you would come" you said.

"I would never miss your graduation. You are first over everything." he smiled and pecked your lips.

"Thank you" you said and looked at him as he began to pout "What now?"

"You didn't say 'Congratulations' to me" he pouted.

"Congrats babe!" you smiled at his childness.

"Too late" he said quickly.

"Fine, I'll just go to another guy than" you said and he screamed.

"ANI! Thank you for saying that to me" he said and hugged you tightly.

Congrats to this little booger right here! Kim Yugyeom! Despite the fact that you're younger than me. I actually look up to you. You're a young idol that has to deal with school, your career, and life. And yet. You managed to do it flawlessly! Congrats you tall ass bias wrecker! Love you! 💋

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