Together Forever: Yugyeom (Requested)

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"You need to stop bullshitting!" Yugyeom shouted.

"What are you talking about?" you shouted.

"I saw you holding hands with Mark-hyung!" he said and your eyes widened.

"I don't even like Mark!" you said "He's too old!"

"Hey!" Mark pouted as he sat down from getting food.

"Tell me the truth!" Yugyeom shouted as he grabbed your wrist.

"I am telling you the truth!"you shouted, everybody began to look at you.

"So Yerin was telling the truth. Maybe you are a thot!" he screamed into your face and your eyes widened.

Tears were evident at your eyes. Your lip quivered and you backed away.

"You really think I'll cheat on you with Mark?" you asked.

"Well... That's what dogs do. They lie around with other dogs" he said with a duh tone.

"Y-Yugie?" you said.

"Don't Yugie me. Get your hoe ass out of my sight" he said and you looked around and saw Yerin smirking.

And then you ran out of the cafeteria. Your tears blurred your vision that you couldn't see anything. You bumped into someone and then you fell.

"________________. What happened?" you heard a voice and you automatically recognized that it was your older twin CL.

"Yugyeom... He thinks I cheated on him. Yerin said something to him and he then went crazy. And then he called me a hoe and indirectly called me a bitch" you cried into her arms.

Your sobs became harder that you couldn't breathe so you ran out of your sister's arm and went to the rooftop.

CL's P.O.V.:

After _____________________ ran off, CL made her way to the cafeteria. When she entered, she saw Yerin on Yugyeom, with Mark, JB, JR, Jackson, Youngjae, and BamBam. Cl made her way to them, grabbing a carton of milk from a kid walking past. She grabbed Yerin's hair and yanked her to the floor. Yerin shrieked in pain as she lied there. She turned to Yugyeom and poured the milk on him, everybody quiet and shocked. Nobody would ever mess with GOT7. Yerin got up but CL slapped her and she fell back down.

"What is wrong with you?" Yugyeom said as he held onto CL's wrist.

CL reversed his grip, and now she was gripping his wrist.

"Look here piece of shit. Why are you over here calling my twin sister a hoe and a bitch?" CL said with an icy cold tone.

"What?" Yugyeom said.

"Why did you say that about my sister?" CL asked him again.

"Because she was with Mark. She deserves to be called a hoe" he said.

CL grabbed the back of his neck and slammed his face down to the table.

"Let me tell you something... That person with Mark was me. My sister has no intention on cheating on you. She's too nice to the people she cares about. If you ever call her a hoe or a bitch again... I will carve the words HOE, THOT, TRICK, SKANK, BITCH on your body" CL said as everybody looked at the scene, still shocked "Now go find my sister and make everything right."

CL let go of Yugyeom and turned to Yerin.

"If you ever spread rumors about my sister, I can just tell a certain someone about you" CL said with a smirk and Yerin's eyes widened and began nodding.

"Okay" she said as he nodded her head.

"Fix it! NOW!" CL said as she turned to Yugyeom.

Your P.O.V.:

"If he doesn't love me then there is no point in me living. He was my light. My escape from reality. My everything" you said as you felt the wind rode past "Maybe I should just disappear from his life forever"

You up and stood where the building and the sky met. Smiling at the thought that you could probably be happy in the after life. You stepped closer and closer. The moment you were going to step off, you began to fall. Your body felt like it was falling very slowly. You closed your eyes and smiled as you felt the air go past you. Everything went black.

You opened your eyes and saw Yugyeom holding you, his head was dripping with blood, and he had tears in his eyes.

"Yugie?" you croaked and his eyes opened.

"YAH! Don't scare me like that!" he said and kissed your head "I'm sorry for not believing you. I'm sorry for being such a bad person. I'm sorry for being such a horrible boyfriend"

"It's okay" you said softly closing your eyes smiling.

"______________________! NO!! ________________________!" he cried.

"Yugie shut up!" you said.

"You're not dying?" he asked.

"No" you said "I wouldn't break our promise"

After you said that you smiled.

"Together?" he smiled.

"Forever" you said and he cupped your face and kissed your lips.


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