Christmas Special: JB

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"It's snowing!" you said as it finally hit Christmas.

You ran outside and your boyfriend JB followed.

"Oppa look a snow angel!" you said making one.

"That's cute jagi!" he smiled at you.

You went and began making a snowman. But it didn't go well since you were in the middle of the making the bottom when a snowball hit you and you fell on top of it. You pouted and looked at JB as he began laughing.

"You ruined the snowman!" you cried.

"Don't cry" he said rushing to you and at the right range, you smashed his face with a ball of snow.

He blinked a few times and looked at you as you laughed.

"W-What?" he asked still stunned.

You threw another one and it hit his face. His head jerked back and you tackled him.

"YAH!" he yelled as you smashed his face with more snow.

"You ruined the snowman! I was almost done with it!" you said and smashed snow in his face again.

He threw you off and got on top of you. He smirked and pushed some of the snow that was on his face onto your face by kissing you.

"C-Cold" you shivered as it made contact with your skin.

He laughed and laid by you. You guys laid there, hand in jand just watching the snow drop to the ground. Watching how the snow would sway from side to side and hit the ground.

"The snow is beautiful" you said.

"Just like you" he said and smiled.

You looked at him and smiled.

"Really?" you asked.

"Really" he said and kissed the top of your nose.

"Merry Christmas oppa!" you said and hugged his waist.

"Merry Christmas to you too my baby" he said kissing the side of your face.

Merry Christmas!

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