Outstanding: JB

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This us based from a Samoan joke I heard... And JB will be kind of abusive in this one...

You heard the door open and your teenage son came in.

"Hi mom" he said.

"Hi baby" you said smiling as you kissed him and hugged him "How was school?"

"Good. Did my report card come in?" he asked.

"I think so JJ" you said nodding "I think your dad has it"

Jaebum Jr's P.O.V.:

I went to my dad's office. He must be preparing for another GOT7 comeback. He's so busy. He is the only one that works. He doesn't want me or mom want to work. He only wants me to have a good education.

"Hi Dad" I said.

"Yeah hi. Come" he said coldly.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah. You're report card is the problem. Come in and close the door" he demanded.

"I did what I was told and sat on the chair facing him. Within a flash, I was on the floor, touching my now bleeding lip.

"What do you be doing in school?" he asked angrily.

"What are you talking aboit?" I asked confused and scared.

This is the first time I've seen my dad like this. He's all smile and dorky. And sometimes serious but not that serious. I felt the tears stream down my face.

"What are you doing in school?" he asked.

Your P.O.V.:

You heard things fall in the office so you rushed to to JB's office. You got closer and heard shouting. You opened the door and saw JB yelling at JJ while JJ was on the floor.

"What the fuck are you doing?" you asked angrily.

"He hasn't been going to class" JB said coldly.

"Mom... I don't know what he's talking about" JJ said in a scared tone.

"How do you know that he hasn't been going to class? Why would the top student ditch class?" you asked raising your eyebrow.

"Because his report card says so" he responded.

"My report card is good. I swear. I study every single day and I go to class" JJ said.

"Bring the report card." you demanded.

"Here" JB says as he shoves the paper at you.

"Where does it say that he's been ditching class?" you asked confused.

Anger was building in you. You saw nothing that said that your son has been missing class.

"You don't see it?!" he asked loudly.

"No. Where the hell does it say he's been missing class" you asked irritatedly.

"Right here!" he yelled and put his finger pn a certain word.

You looked where his finger was and began laughing your ass off. JJ and JB looked at you confused while you continued to laugh like you was on some hard ass crack.

"YAH! You think it's funny? He's ditching class?" JB asked angrily.

"JB... Outstanding... Doesn't mean that he's standing oitside. It's mean he's doing a great job!" you began laughing again.

"Eh?" he asked confused.

You looked at JJ and you two began laughing.

"I don't get it." JB said.

"Outstanding... Is a synonym for good or great! It doesn't mean he was standing outside" you laughed harder.

"Oh.... Jongmal mianhaeyeo JJ," JB said scratching the back if his neck in embarrassment.

"Gwaenchana appa," JJ said smiling at him.

You looked at JB and began laughing again.

"Hajima!" JB pouted as you and JJ laughed some more "I didn't know"

JB began stomping on the floor acting like a child.

"Okay okay" you said as you helped up JJ.

"Yah jagi," you said trying not to laugh.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"You are an outstanding hisband and father" you began laughing and ran out of the office with JJ as JB chased after the both of you.

"Yah!" he shouted.

The Game:

I know ya have been waiting for the answer...

Here's another hint... This oneshot is one of the hints... Do not over think it. Look at the other clues to try and figure out what this hint means... I'll give ya an answer either tomorrow or some other day...

I hope ya enjoyed this one. You guys are OUTSTANDING friends!

Thanks for the extra 1k read!

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