Revenge: Yugyeom (Requested)

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Intro: Even though I didn't watch it but GOT7 pulled a prank on the poor maknae. I felt bad for the nigga because he cried. So now it's karma. And KARMAS a bitch.

"MEETING IN THE FUCKIN' STUDIO! NOW!" your voice boomed through the phone.

Everybody knew that when you shout you're pissed. And when your pissed, your are one individual who is not wanted to be messed with. JB, Youngjae, Mark, Jackson, and BamBam all came into the room silent.

"I suppose you guys know why I called this meeting... Right?" you glared at them.

"N-No _______________" they all said.

"What did you guys do to Yugyeom?" JR came barging into the room yelling at the other five.

"We pulled a prank on him again" they all laughed.

"What prank was that" JR asked.

Note: JR is part of your plan....

"Last night, we told him to get us water. And JB, Mark, and Jackson were waiting for him. And when he was in position. BOOM! They scared him" Youngjae and BamBam laughed.

"Now you think it's funny?" you screamed and they all laughed.

(Why are they so hard headed. I guess I have to be bitchier!)

You went and grabbed JB by the collar.

"Listen here you little shit. Because of your stunt last night. Yugyeom is now ending his contract. In other words. GOT7 will be no more" you said and threw JB onto the floor.

"W-What do you mean?" Jackson asked.

You looked at them. BamBam was on the verge of tears and the others had a shock expression.

"I mean that Yugyeom is now with sajamg-nim because he is nullifying his contract. He's quitting because of you guys!" you said.

You added more effect by letting tears fall.

They broke down instantly.

"I can't believe you guys would do such a thing?" JR said coldly.

"We have to stop him" JB said.

"Too late now dumbass! He is probably getting his things ready to go." you said with that Yugyeom came in.

Everybody rushed to him and engulfed him in a hug.

"Please stay!" JB cried.

"We promise to prank Jackson next!" Mark cried.

"We won't prank you anymore!" Youngjae cried.

"I don't know how I'm going to live without you!" BamBam cried harder "Please don't go!"

"We can make up to you. You know. Take you to your favority spot. Just please don't leave us Yugyeom!" Jackson cried.

"GOT7 won't be the same without you. You can't leave" JB said as tears fell.

"Well it's too late. I have already nullified my contract with JYP and I am free." Yugyeom said.

"JYP? No.... Sajang-nim!" BamBam cried.

"Can you guys let go. I need to say good bye to JR." Yugyeom shouted.

They all dispersed as they watched the maknae hug JR.

"Thanks JR for everything" he said and he walked towards you.

"Thanks to you too. You are so awesome" he said to you.

"I know" you said and he kissed you.

He looked towards the other five and smiled.

"I wish you guys the best... Because this was all just a prank!" Yugyeom shouted and began laughing.

The five members became shocked.

"A-A p-prank?" Jackson and Mark asked.

"Yup. I got tired of you guys pranking me so now it was my turn." he smiled.

"But ______________ made it seem so real" JB said as tears wouldn't stop falling.

"I hate you!" BamBam shouted as he ran up and hugged the maknae.

"Wait. So he isn't leaving?" Jackson asked.

"He's staying with us?" Mark asked with hope in his voice.

"Yes" you answered.

They all breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness" they said.

"And that's a sign. If anyone of ya hurt Yugyeom again... I'm coming after you guys. One at a time!" you smiled and they gulped "Now stop crying like the little bitches you are and start practicing. You guys aren't going to learn the dance by yourselves because all you guys ever do is be retarded"

They all went into their formation and began practicing. Or at least tried to since the other tried to recover from their prank by wiping their tears and choking on their sobs.

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