Losing Me: Jackson

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I was inspired by this TV show. And it may get hella ratchet. I hope it comes out legit.

There was a press conference where you were asked to attend. You were known as Jackson's younger "brother". You were born a female but you decided to be gay. You walked in and sat in the very front.

"Hello. Do you know why we asked for you to come?" a female asked as she approached you.

"Ummmm. Not really" you smiled.

"Well... You're brother has been having several sexual intercourses with other females and he has probably four kids and three on the way" she stated.

"Really?" you shouted.

She nodded your her head and went to see if everything was set. A few minutes later, people began coming in from different sides of the room. As people began settling in, GOT7 came out and a wave of flashes began. Questions were being bombarded to Jackson and the others. As GOT7 sat down, the conference finally started.

"Jackson, is it true that you have four kids and three on the way?"

"Yes" he simply said and smiled.

"Are you planning on having more?"

"Of course" he smiled.

Eacg question that was asked, he answered it with a smile. It got you so irritated that you began crying. As he continued to smile, you couldn't take it any longer and stood up.

"Why the fuck are you smiling for?" you shouted.

"Excuse me?" Jackson said shocked.

"You heard me. Why the fuck are you smiling for?" you stated again "Do you think that the things that you are doing is cute?"

Jackson sat there in silence.

"Do you think that Mom and Dad would have been proud that you already have four fuckin' kids and three on the way?" you threw in his face "Cus I'm not"

"But I didn't-"

"Shut the fuck up. Do you think it's funny to be known as a pimp? Do you know how worried I got when I found out that you had kids? You are now hitting your early twenties and already you got kids. You don't even have time for them!"

"But were you there?"

"I don't give two fucks if I was there or not!" you shouted.

"And what about you? You being gay!" he threw in your face.

"If I am gay. Then I am gay. I already talked to Mom and Dad about it. Yeah it took time but they are kind of over it. Your case... You haven't even told them yet huh?" you threw in his face.

"Jackson gow do you feel right now?"

"Jackson are you going to change?"

"I don't know" Jackson said.

"No. Your ass better change because if not. You finna lose me" you stated and stormed out the hall.

I can already tell that this wasn't as good as I thought it would be. But enjoy. I will be going to sleep now. Good night or good morning. Have a good one!

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