1 Year: Youngjae

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This is more if a dedication to Rise and EunB's 1 year. May they both rest in peace.

"Hyung! Irreonah!" you shouted "Mom said you can take me to my friends!"

"Andwae!" your older brother shouted as he threw pillows at you to leave him alone.

"But Mommy said" you said in a kid like voice, despite the fact that you were a freakin teenager.

"Dude. You are a year younger than me but still act like a kid" he retorted.

"Mommy!" you shouted making it sound dramatic.

"Youngjae!" your mom yelled from the kitchen.

"I'm getting ready" he said as he got off the bed.

A few minutes passed and you were in the car.

"Hyung. Can you stop by this address?" you asked.

He nodded and continued driving. He stopped at the place and he had a shock expression on his face. The reason behind his shocked exoression us because this is the memorial place where people leave things for the dead.

"Why are we here?" he asked.

"Because my friends are here" you said and rushed out the car.

You rushed in and went straight to the flower shop. You picked the bouquet of roses and asked if there was another one. She gave it to you and you went to write a card for both of your friends. You wrote one for each if your friends Rise and EunB. Today was the mark of a year of Rise's death.


No words can express how sad I am to know that you are gone. I really do miss you. We had lots of memories. I'm sorry that I broke my promise. See you on the other side. You are gone but never forgotten.


To: EunB
Despite the fact that I didn't het to know you a lot. I still had some great memories with you. You were always that quiet but fun one.i am really sorry that I couldn't keep my promise. I miss you a lot and hope to see you on the other side.


You paid for everything and then went their room. You approached the opening but stopped. Your tears fell down your face. You walked in and saw that there were specs of dust. You cried harder and began cleaning their glass. You put the flowers in the hole. Your knees gave in and you fell.

"I'm sorry for not keeping my word. It should have been me. Please forgive me and watch over me" you cried.

"______________," your brother's soft voice echoed through the room.

You looked at him with your teary eyes. He came and kneeled by you. You took the chance and emgulfed him in a hug. You buried your face in his clothes.

"Ssssssshhhhh. Just know that they are in a better place right now. Yes it hurts but they are still here. In here" he said pointing at your heart.

"I just can't believe that it is already a year" you choked.

"Well lets count this as one year that God has recieved two angels" he smiled and you nodded.

I hope this is good. This was better when it was in the planning phase. Please do enjoy and don't forget about Rise and EunB. Rest in Love Rise and EunB. Gone but never forgotten! Annyeong noona! Have a great day!

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