Karma: GOT7

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You slowly made your way to them as they just stared at everybody.

"Ummm. Excuse me" you said lightly.

All their heads turned towards you. You gave them all a card that you made and smiled.

"Tsk" JB hissed.

"This is it?" Mark asked.

"Is this the best you can do? Are you sure about it?" JR asked harshly.

"Sorry. I couldn't afford anything at the time so I just decided to be creative and make you guys cards" you smiled.

"You are such a low life" Jackson said.

"We are worth more than your imaginary creativity" Youngjae said as he glared holes through your body.

Your smile disappeared and tears welled up in your eyes.

"It's horrifying just staring at it!" Yugyeom said abd everybody laughed.

"I'll go blind from the ugliness" BamBam said.

Your tears began to stream down your face. They looked at you.

"Aww. She's crying" Yugyeom said in a teasingly manner.

"Just a heads up. We don't like this because it's too poor" JB said.

"It has poor written all over it" JR said as he was holding it with two fingers.

You ran out and cried as they continued to talk about you and your drawing. The talking and the laughter never ended as you exited out of the room. Whenever they would see you, they would ask if you needed anything.

"Hey _______________?" JB said as they all smirked at you.

"Yes" you said looking up.

"Do you need money. You know. Since you are so poor and so unsuccessful" he asked and tears streamed down your face.

"Do you need us to buy you a box of tissues?" Mark asked and they laughed.

"Do you want a free hug. You know since you can't afford to watch us and touch us" Youngjae said and they began to laugh harder.

"Aww you guys need to stop" BamBam said.

"Why?" they all glared at him.

"Because what if she runs out of tears? She can't by any" he said and the laughter erupted again.

"Are you hungry?" Jackson asked.

You shook your head and they all had a look of astonishment.

"You actually could afford something to eat?" JR said and they laughed.

You ran out of the building and that was the last time you saw JB and them.

10 Years Later:

"Mommy let's go. We have to go and meet with Daddy's group" your daughter Hana shouted.

"Palli omma!" your son Hanbae said.

"Come on ________________" your husband Hanbin said.

"I'm coming" you shouted and made your way down the stairs with your black knee high dress, that outlined all of your curves.

"Wah! Mommy looks so pretty!" your twins exclaimed and you laughed.

"Go change" Hanbin demanded.

"What? Why?" you asked.

"Because with that you got on, I'm for sure going to have to battle against other guys" he said.

"Well I have to dress like this since I'm meeting those guys for the first time as the CEO. When did they start being in the industry?" you asked.

"You are such a bad CEO" Hanbin said.

"I'll take that as a compliment" you smiled and he shook his head.

"But go change!" he pouted.

"No!" you said.

"Fine. But every guy that turns to look at you, you owe me a session" he smirked as he bit his lip and winked at you as he came and kissed you.

"Mommy and Daddy are doing the eww!" Hana shouted.

"Eww. Mommy and Daddy! Don't do that" Hanbae said and you guys busted out laughing.

"Okay let's go" you and Hanbin said as you guys went inside the car.

The ride was short so when you guys came out of the car, everybody bowed towards you guys.

"Go to them first. I'm going to see Bommie." you said and you guy parted ways.

Hanbin's P.O.V.:

I took Hana and Hanbae with me to meet the boys that I was assigned to be the manager for. I opened the doot and saw that they all lookrd up and smiled.

"Hyung!" they all said and came up to me and hugged me.

"I didn't know you were married" JB said as he looked at Hana and Hanbae.

"Or a father" Mark said.

"Whose the lucky girl?" they asked as they nudged me.

"She's the most awesome wife I can ever ask for. She's the woman of every man's dream. She us one of a kind. She is one of the richest females in South Korea as of right now." I said and they all started hooting.

"What's her name" they asked.

I was about to answer when the door opened and I looked to see ______________ standing there.

Your P.O.V.:

You went to the door and opened it. They all looked at you and you smiled.

"Hello my name is ______________" you said and their faces turned.

"Wait. _______________ that went to Kirin Art School?" JB asked.

"Yes. How do you know me?" you asked.

"It's me JB, Mark, JR, Jackson, BamBam, Youngjae, and Yugyeom" JB said as they all looked at you surprised.

"Hmph" you smirked.

"What brings you here?" they asked.

"I'm the CEO of this company. I have every right to be here" you smirked.

"Y-Y-You're the great __________________ of the Kim family" they asked.

"Yes" you said.

"Can we get a hug" Mark said.

"No." you said bitterly.

"What why?" they asked.

"Because. You guys are too ugly to be touching me with your filth. I alone cost billions, and your dirty self touching me will only make me lose money. After all, you guys did get ugly and I don't let ugly touch me." you said.

"Wait. You know them?" Hanbin asked.

"They're thr assholes I have been talking about" you said and he turned to them.

"Thank you because this karma. It made me get a beautiful, hardworking, loving, wife. No words can be explained. And me having her because of what you guys did. I thank you. I wouldn't have met her if it wasn't for your act of stupidity." Hanbin said.

"We are sorry ________________" they said.

"Yeah and I'm gonna say karma is a bitch" you said and walked out.

It's not that good. I'm too tired. So yeah. Enjoy. Remember, if ya hace any requests. Just DM me. SEE YOU GUYS LATER! 😝

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