Place Your Bets: JB

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You stood there waiting for JB to come the stage. You saw him and smiled.

"That was a good performance JB-oppa!" you said and gave him the water bottle and towel.

"Thanks _______________" he said.

"Well, I have to go now. I am currently late for my training today" you smiled and walked out the door.

JB and the others boys just sat there waiting for the emcee to finish his segment of the show.

"JB, don't you think that you playing ______________________ is a bit over board?" Jackson asked.

"I'm not playing her. She just believes that me and her are a thing" JB laughed "She is so oblivious"

"That's not very nice" Mark said.

"How long do you think she will last like that?" Youngjae asked.

"Like what?" BamBam asked.

"Like her believing that her and JB are a thing" Youngjae said.

"I say... 4 months for 20 dollars each month" BamBam said.

"I say 6 months. For 25 dollars every month" Mark asked.

"I say 200 for 3 months" Jackson said raising his hand.

"I say 300 for 2 months" Yugyeom said.

"I'll raise you guys and go 500 dollars for 8 months" Jaebum raised his hand.

"I-I-I think that my bid will be 600 dollars for today" JR stuttered nervously.

"Eh?" JB asked "She's too stupid to figure out that we are not even a couple. It's me and Suzy"

"Can I raise my bet to 1000 dollars for today?" Mark asked as his eyes widened.

"Why are you guys acting like that?" JB asked.

"Maybe because the only people that I trusted are placing bets on me like I am a game. Go ahead and place your bets. Place them higher" you said and they all looked back you.

"________________________. It's not what you think" JB tried.

"Save it. I don't want to hear it. You could have made life easier and tell me that we are not a thing. But guess not" you said and left.

"_________________________! WAIT!" you heard JB yell out.

You ran out of the building and onto the street. The next thing you know, is that you are looking up at the sky. Smiling at how beautiful the sky is. You saw a face come to your face and you felt your body shake. You smiled and closed your eyes as you took your last breath.

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