You Are You: Mark (Requested)

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You were looking your boyfriend throughout his company building. You looked here and there and here again. You looked in the dance room and saw that it was just one person in the room. You walked in and saw that it was someone with a hoodie. You walked closer to only realize that it was Mark. But... He was crying his eyes out.

"Baby?" you said and his head jerked to you.

He quickly wiped his eyes and sniffles before turning to you. His hat and his hoodie was hiding his face. He even lowered his face so you couldn't see his tears.

"Mark" you said softly.

"Hmmm?" he responded.

"What's wrong?" you asked worried.

"Nothings wrong baby" he said and smiled without showing his eyes.

"Mark. I'm serious. Look at me" you said and grabbed his cheeks with both of your hands and made him look at you, only for him to cry again and this time harder.

"What happened?" you asked.

"I can't do it. I can't support you, me, my family. What about our family?" he asked

"What are you talking about?" you asked.

"I can't be an idol. It's too hard" he cried into your shoulders.

"Where is this coming from?" you asked.

"From me" he said.

"Than this isn't the Mark that I know." you began "The Mark I know will start something and will not quit. He will keep going and complete it. Because he is Mark Tuan."

"But it's so hard" he cried harder.

"Life is hard. The more you work to your goals, the better it will become." you said.

"I can't do it" he cried.

"Baby. All you have to do is be Mark Tuan. The Mark that I know. Because you are you. You can do it!" you smiled and kissed his pouting face.

"What if I can't?" he asked.

"What if you can?" you said sternly "You've got first place in the audition thing in LA, and then you were scouted by JYP himself. That's rare for him to ask a person up front. It's because he sees such potential. And now what? You're now a trainee almost to the point that you will debut soon."

7 Years Later:

"Daddy! You were so good! You won!' your son Emerson shouted as he went to hug Mark.

"Yeah. We won!" Mark smiled and pecked Emerson's cheek.

"When will you get to do a flip. Mommy said that you were so good at doing flips and other things" he said.

"Daddy was. I'll do it later" Mark smiled and made your way to you.

"So it's Fly's third win. Congrats babe" you said kissing him.

"Thanks to you. You told me to be me. You saw 'You are you' and that made me open my eyes" he said smiling.

You and Mark locked lips again, this time more passionately.


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