Wish Granted: Mark

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You were married to Mark and you had two children. However, you were not what everybody expected you to be. Samoan. Pacific Islander. You smiled as you watched your children play. But, you couldn't help but frown at the fact that Mark hasn't been home since three days ago. He said that he is at work so you don't want to question him. You missed him and his hugs, kisses, and cuddle sessions. You hear the phone ring and you go answer it.

- Hello?

- Hi. Is Mark there?

- No. He hasn't been home since 3 days ago.

- What?!

- May I see who is calling?

- Can you tell him that Sunmi called please?

- And if you don't mind me asking, who are you?

- Me?

- Yes you.

- I'm Sunmi. His girlfriend.

- Excuse me?

- I am Sunmi. His girlfriend.

- I'm sorry but Mark is married to me with two children.

- Are you sure?

- Of course I'm sure. Are you sure that Mark is even dating you?

- Of course I am for sure because he has been with me the past three days. He said that this girl named _____________________ is his maid and that she needs to disappear from his life forever.

- He said that?


- Oh. Well. Very well then. God bye Sunmi.

You hung up and began crying.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" your son Tavita shouted.

"Why are you crying?" your daughter Mele asked.

"Come here. I am going to take you to Uncle JB, okay?" you said and they cheered.

"But where will you go Mommy?" Tavita asked.

"I will be going somewhere else. I will be with you spiritually. And in here" you said as you pointed at their hearts and they nodded.

"Okay Mommy!" they both said.

You pack their things and went and took them to JB. He looked at you questioning.

"Kids go play with Uncle Jackson" JB commanded the children and they obeyed as they ran to the other room.

JB led you in and made you st down.

"Where will you be going?" he asked.

"To a better place" you responded and his eyes widened.

"NO!" he shouted.

"It's what he wants. Wish granted!" you said and stood up.

"What about Tavita and Mele?" he asked.

"Take care of them" you said and smiled "Thanks for being the best fatherly figure to them"

You walked out and began driving to wherever you wee feeling. You ended up at the bridge, which was empty. You swerved and hit the railing, you car is now in mid air falling into the river. The impact of the car hitting the water was hard.

Mark's P.O.V.:

I was talking to my girlfriend when I received a text from ___________________. I ignored her text and smiled at my girlfriend. Than I got a text from JB. I opened it and I was confused on his text. He wrote:

- I hope you are happy!

I put my phone down but it began to ring. I looked at the number, but it was a random number so I answered.

- Hello?

- Hi. Are you Mr. Tuan?

- Speaking. May I see who is calling?

- This is the police force. I am sorry to give you such news but your wife is dead

- What? Are you sure?

- I believe it was suicide. Her car was flipped up side down and under the river. The only part that was being shown was the bottom.

- Thank you. I am on my way.

I hung up and looked at the text that __________________ sent. And it read:

- Wish granted. 💜💛💚💙❤ Good bye Mark. Love you.

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