No We Won't: JB

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You are known as Kendal. BEWARE: BOY x BOY SMUT!

You walked into the classroom, practically sulking over what you had just witnessed. Just thinking about it made you want to cry. Everything replayed into your mind and that was when tears streamed down your face.

"Kendal? What happened?" you heard a voice ask you.

You looked up to see JB, with a worried expression. You forced a fake smile on your face and shook your head as tears still fell.

"Kendal. You know you can't lie to me. Me and you have been friends since diaper days. I know when you are lying," he smiled his eye smile "Now tell me what is bothering you."

"There's nothing wrong JB. I am just going to go to the nurse's office" you said as you gathered up all your stuff and made your way up to the rooftop. You stood there and just cried your eyes out. Your tears wouldn't stop falling. You cried so much that you began to hiccup. You heard the bell ring, signalling that it was now lunch. You made your way down to the cafeteria and saw everybody there. You smiled as you made your way there. You walked up to them.

"Kendal, what's up with the shades?" Mark asked.

"Oh these, I have a bad migraine," you said and they nodded their head as they bought your excuse, while JB just looked at you.

You went t grab your food and JB came up and behind.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked a bit worried.

"Yes JB" you said.

"Come on Kendal. I'm not dumb. I know when something is up with you?" he said sternly.

"Really JB. Nothing is wrong." you said and then you just ignored him throughout the day.

You walked to your last class only to be met with another scene. You stood there and watch JB kissing up on Youngjae. Tears welled in your eyes and they fell. You walked past them.

"Kendal?" Youngjae said with a worried tone.

"We need to talk like old times" JB said and you shook your head.

"It's nothing you guys. I told you I had a bad migraine" you said.

"Don't give me that bull shit. You cry like the bitch you are, to me saying that your head is hurting. I'm not that stupid like you are. Now tell me what the fuck is wrong you piece of shit! We have been sharing our secret and what not, why are you hiding this. Is this friendship even real to begin with! I don't think this friendship should have started. I don't think we should be friends!" he shouted.

You flinched at his words and the tears streamed down more faster. His face quickly changed to regret and shocked. He stepped forward but you stepped back.

"Kendal I-" he said but you shook your head and cried even more.

"Just don't" you said as you turned around and ran off.

"Kendal!" JB shouted out after you.

You ignored his callings and continued to run where ever your legs went.

"Kendal?" two voices called and they ran after you.

You kept on running until you were now on the streets. Cars sped past you from both sides.

"Kendal!" the voice said and you ran on to the street.

"KENDAL!" the person screamed.

You looked and saw a big truck approach you and you stood there. The truck honked their horn at you but you didn't budge. They came closer but your body was pulled back. You looked to see Mark and Jackson.

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