My Fault: Mark

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You sat there waiting for Mark to come get you for your 2nd anniversary date. He was already 30 minutes late and he didn't text you back after your numerous amount of text messages. You decided to snack on a banana as you waited for him. You sat there just looking at the sun set an the sky become a mixture of purple, pink, orange, yellow, and red. You smiled at how beautiful it looked with mini clouds drifting through the cold sky. You were then back to your senses when you heard your phone ring. You noticed that it was Mark.

- Hello?

- Hey babe. Sorry but I can't make our date. Sajang-nim wants me to teach Dahyun how to rap with Jackson and BamBam.

- No. Don't be sorry. Your job comes first before me. Have a good lesson. And don't be too mean to her.

- Okay. Bye.

- Bye. I love you.

He hung up without saying anything. You decided to treat yourself to anything that you craved at the moment. You got out of the house and began walking. You were at a stall buying food for yourself when you heard someone call your name. You turned around and saw BamBam and Jackson.

"Hey. Your lesson with Dahyun finished?" you asked.

"What lesson? Aren't you supposed to be on a date with Mark?" BamBam asked.

"And what lesson are you talking about?" Jackson asked.

"Mark called me and said that you guys and him were requested to teach Dahyun how to rap" you said confused.

"We never got that request. Practice ended three hours ago." Jackson said.

"I'm still lost on the lesson part," BamBam said.

"Wait so there was no lesson?" you asked.

"No" Jackson said.

"Oh" you said and nodded "Well, I'll see you guys whenever"

You walked off as tears began to fall from your eyes. You didn't know where you were going, so you were crossing the street, and next thing you knew, you were on the ground. Blood leaked out of your head and pain spread throughout your whole body. Your eyes were closing but the last thing that you saw was Jackson and BamBam. And then everything went pitch black.

Mark's P.O.V.:

I blew out air after I hung up on her. The other members looked at me.

"Are you okay?" they asked.

"Yeah. It's just that she is so annoying. She has to constantly text me if I am okay" I said.

"You better be careful on what you say because you can lose her just like that!" JR said as he snapped his finger.

"Anyways, aren't you supposed to be on a date with her?" JB asked.

"I told her that JYP had asked me to teach Dahyun how to rap with BamBam and Jackson" I said and leaned my head back on the couch.

I got up and bid my goodbyes. I then drove to me and ____________________'s house that we shared. I quietly opened and shut the door to not wake her. I noticed that the house seemed cold. I walked to our bedroom and it felt the same. Cold. I turned on the lights and saw nobody on the bed. I panicked as I saw that she was not under the covers. I quickly called her phone but it went to voicemail. But then I suddenly received a call from Jackson.

- Hello?

- Dude! Hurry to the hospital right by the dorm! LIKE LEAVE RIGHT NOW!

- Why what is happening?

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