Roommate (Part 1): Jackson (Requested)

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You are known as Alana!

"It's weird if I go and Bommie-unnie is there too" you shouted.

"Yah. The producers and directors are very fond of you. You are like a mini version of Bom." CL said.

"Maybe even worst" Dara said.

"Hey" you said offended.

"I'm just saying." CL said.

"You are going and that is final" Dara said.

You looked and saw the envelope that had the other cast and you roommate in it. You opened it and it read:

Cast: Park Minwoo, Park Bom, Lee Dongwook
Song Gayeon, Jung Seho, Mama Shin, Lee Guk Joo,
Lee Sora, Mark Tuan, Nana, Jackson Wang, & Alana💙💚💛💜❤

Poong Poong+Corn+Bread+8D
Triple Threat+Maknae Of Group+Multilingual+Maknae Of The Cast

You looked at the card and smiled.

"At least I'm with Bommie" you said and went inside the van that will be taking you to the house.

You grabbed all of your stuff from the back of the car and dragged them up to the house.

"WAH! It's so nice!" you said as you looked at the house in awe.

You walked to the door and rang the doorbell.

- Yebeoseo?

- Hi, I'm a new addition to the cast. Alana

- Okay. I'm coming!

The door opened and showed Jackson Wang. You blushed at the sight of him and his muscular arms out in the open.

"Hi Alana. Welcome home!" he said.

"Hi Jackson" you said.

"Oppa" he said.

"Eh?" you asked confused.

"Oppa. Jackson-oppa" he smiled and you nodded.

He helped you bring your stuff inside the house and you were in awe at how beautiful that inside was just like the outside. You put all of your stuff in the room and came back out for a whole house introduction.

"Hello, my name is Lee Dongwook and I am an actor" Dongwook said.

"Park Minwoo and also an actor" Minwoo said.

"Seho! Comedian" Seho said.

"Mama Shin. Chef but a theatrical actor" Mama Shin.

"Mark Tuan. Originally from LA. Speak English, Korean, and Chinese" Mark said.

"Lee Sora. Model" Sora said.

"Song Gayeon and I am an MMA fighter" Gayeon said.

"Park Bom. 2NE1's eldest member, main vocalist. I can speak English, Korean, and Japanese. I had a major in psych" Bommie said.

"Jackson Wang. Speaks Madarin, French, Korean, English. I love fencing and rapping." Jackson said.

"My name is-" you started.

"Natural beauty Nana is here from Orange Caramel. I am originally a model" Nana cut you off.

"Well, my name is-" you started.

"Oh and I am from After School" Nana interrupted you again.

"Alana is the name. I an speak the languages that Jackson-oppa can speak. I am known as the triple threat of 2NE1" you said as Bommie cheered "I am the baby of the group at the age of 20, I also love fencing. I love to rap, sing, dance, and I can do martial arts tricking"

"WAH! You and Jackson can be the new OTP! Maybe you can have the little vacation!" Lee Sora said making you blush.

"Aniya! Jackson is with me" Nana said as she bit her lip as she hugged up all on Jackson's bare arms, making your mood die down.

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