Blow: Jackson

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You sat there trying to wake him up for the past two hours to celebrate his birthday today. You jumped on the bed, shook him, yelled at him, sprayed water at him, did anything you thought of. You sat there frowning just staring at his peaceful figure lying there, very still. You started running your hands on his abs, and you noticed that there was a lump forming at the lower of the blanket. You tilted your head curiously and poked at it. The little tent became bigger. Your eyes widened when you finally realized what it was. It was Jackson's dick. You then smirked at a thought that came to mind. You slowly pulled the blanket down to reveal his big dick springing up in the air.

"Why does his size always gets to me?" you whispered to yourself.

You cupped his member and stroked it, earning a moan from Jackson, as he continued to sleep. You smirked at the way he squirmed on the bed and moan. You began licking the veins that traced up his long big dick, while humming the tune to "Happy Birthday". You heard a loud moan escape Jackson's mouth as you began to poke the slit of his dick with your tongue. You smiled as you heard more moans escape his mouth.

"You couldn't wait?" you heard Jackson struggle to say, as you continued to suck him.

"You wouldn't wake up" you said as you continued to suck his dick.

You smirked as you felt his dick twitch in your mouth and a loud moan escape his lips.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!" he moaned as his eyes rolled in the back of his head and he grabbed the bed sheets.

You looked at him and smiled, hopping on top of him. You tracing his six pack with your tongue. You stopped on his pecks and began playing with his nipples with your tongue. You smirked and stopped, and then you got off of him.

"Are you fuckin' serious! Where the fuck are you going?" he shouted as you laughed quietly to himself.

You grabbed his cake, lit the candle, and walked it up to him. You sang Happy Birthday to him, while he was lying in bed, completely naked.

"Blow out the candles babe" you exclaimed.

"Only if you can blow me" he smirked.

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