Finally: Jackson (Requested)

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You are known as Alana.

"Hi Mark oppa and JB oppa. Hello my little dongsaengs that I adore so much." you said with such enthusiasm but ended it like you were bored with "Jackson"

"Hey Alana" they all said except Jackson.

He seemed a bit....Angry?

"Hi noona" Youngjae, BamBam, and Yugyeom harmonized.

"What is my favorite group of boys doing?" you asked.

"Eating" Mark said.

"Eating? You guys know that it's against the law to feed the monkeys, and you guys have one big one right here" you said as you pointed at Jackson, but the look he gave you made you shiver.

Everybody died of laughter.

"It's better than to be a monkey than a hoe, isn't Alana" Jackson said smirking.

"Well, at least I get more dick and pussy than you" you said and everybody began laughing.

"What are my little minions doing?" CL asked as she sat down.

"Watching Alana and Jackson go at it again" Mark said.

"Again?" CL asked in disbelief.

"Just go out already" Dara said.

"Right!" Bom chimed in.

"Eww. Me with Jackson. Nit gonna happen. I would rather be with Mark oppa or JB oppa." you said.

Jackson's P.O.V.:

The moment she said that about her rather being in a relationship with Mark or JB, my heart began to ache. And it makea my heart ache when she doesn't call me oppa. Like is it that hard to say Jackson oppa?

"Well, I didn't want to go out with some loser in the first place" I said "I would rather go out with Youngji or Hani, than some girl who acts like a dude"

Alana's P.O.V.:

PING! The words that escaped hia mouth made my heart break. It made my eyes watery.

"Well, at least I am.more of a dude than you are" I said and walked away.

Bom's P.O.V.:

After Alana stormes off, it got quiet.

"That's why you guys should just hurry up and go out already. We ship you guys and the fans ship ya too. The ship name is JackLana" I said.

"JackLana?" Jackson asked.

"Better than Markson" Mark said and Jackson gasped.

"But seriously? JackLana?" Jackson asked.

"IGOT7s and BLACKJACKS pitched in and did a poll on Twitter and JackLana won the poll" Dara informed all of us.

"I don't even like her" Jackson said.

"Yeah you do" CL said.

"What do you mean yes I do?" I asked.

"You do like her." she said.

"Prove it" Jackson said.

"You get mad when she doesn't call you oppa," Mark stated.

"And you always bring her other conversations" BamBam said.

"Don't forget that he moans her name in the showers" Youngjae added in and everybody went quiet.

"Awkward, you even say that you love her in your sleep" JB said.

"You also look at her differently when she is with us" BamBam said.

"Or how he has a little diary just about him and Alana's interactions" Youngjae said.

"The purple one right?" Yugyeom said.

"No the red one. The purple is what he likes about her for the days he does the entries" Youngjae responded.

"Are you stalking our maknae?" Minzy asked.

"N-No" Jackson said.

"You also stuttered. Than it's official, that you like Alana" CL said.

"Me liking Alana?" I said in disbelief.

"Well if it makes you feel betrer, she likes you too" I said.

"BOMMIE! That wasn't supposed to be sais out loud!" CL said.

"Go and talk to her" Dara demanded Jackson.

"Now!" I said and he left.

Alana's P.O.V.:

After storming out of the cafeteria, I walked around thw school, just minding my oqn business when I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around and saw that it waa Jackson.

"Yes?" I asked but instead of answering, he closed the gap between us and locked his lips with mine.

"I like you Alana, please go out with me" he said and kissed me again.

And I responded:


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