Public Announcement: JB (Requested)

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You sat there, watching the program that JB and the rest of GOT7 were on. You smiled when you caught sight of your boyfriend. His flawless jawline, his adorable eye smile, and his broad shoulders. You smiled as the interview pressed forward and heard all the questions. You laughed as the interviewee asked how they felt about them being DAB7.

"DAB7?" JB asked with confusion.

Of course BamBam had to dab.

"We are DAB7!" BamBam shouted.

"Bitch where. You can be DAB7!" Mark said making everybody laugh.

You laughed as well.

"Who are the parebts of the group?" the emcee asked.

"The mother tends to be Jinyoung because he takes care of us when we're sick, down, or even tired. He puts himself after all of us. The father is none other than Jaebum, and he basically just acts like a father to all of us. He has those advises to give at the right moment" Jackson said.

"And Jaebum is always there to discipline us" Youngjae said.

"Which I may add in, that I truly adore" Mark butts in making everybody laugh.

You smile at the screen, takinh in his features.

"If only you know jagi" you said.

The show went on and the emcer asked who do they think is the luckiest member.

"I say JB" Youngjae said.

"Yeah JB-hyung" Jackson.

"Yeah JB" Mark says.

"Same. JB" Jinyoung pitched in.

"Yup" BamBam said.

"I say myself... But since everybody us saying JB, I'll say JB as well" Yugyeom stated bluntly.

"Why JB?" the emcee asked tilting his head.

"Because JB's girlfriend is a dream girl. She is everything a man would ever want in a girl" Jackson said.

"How so?" the emcee asked.

"She's so caring. When all seven of us were sick. She took care of us." Yugyeom said.

"She would bring food to us when we were done with practice" BamBam said.

"She is loyal. She's been hit on more than all of us conbined, and she would still say that she has a boyfriend. And it's weird, likr what does she see in Jaebum?" Jackson says..

"She's pretty" Youngjae said.

"And she's unique. She has this habit of stuttering when frightened or nervous." Mark chimes in.

"So can I get details on this special girl and your plans for your future?" the emcee asked JB.
"So her name is ____________. She the most wonderful person I have ever met. She is my other half. And my plans with her is to have kids and maybe even get married" JB said.

"If you don't mind me asking, but how did you two meet?" the emcee asked earning snickers fron the other boys and a pink cheek flushed JB.

"W-Well... Ummm. Y-You s-see. We were in LA for the Fly Tour, and I needed to go do grocery shopping because we were out of everything. I totally forgot and noticed that there were following me. I ran into the bathrooms and crawled under the stall, only earning a high pitch scream. I looked up and saw a girl, who is currently my girlfriend, screaming her hrad off, while throwing things at me." JB said.

"In other words, JB is a perv!" Youngjae said making everyone laugh.

"I didn't know it was the girls bathroom" JB confessed shyly.

"If you don't mind, can we give her a call right now?" yhe emcee asked.

"Uhh-" JB started.

"Of course!" BamBam and Jackson said.

You watched as they dialed your number and in a couple seconds, your phone rang.





Hello _________. This is Jamie from After School Club.

Oh. Hello Jamie...

Hi. So ummm. JB had said that he wanted to have kids with you as well as marry you.

Oh... I heard. I'm actually watching the show right now

Really? Awww. What do you got to say about that?

Well... Some of the things that he had said that he wanted to do is already off the list.

What do you mean?
Babe? What are you saying?
Am I thinking right?

I'm actually two months pregnant.

You watched on the screen for their reactions and saw that JB's eyes had gotten big.

Y-Y-You're pregnant?


You watched the screen and saw that he was balling at the moment.

I'm gonna hang up now... Bye love you!

Love you too!

You ended the call and watched the TV.

"I'm gonna be a dad" he said.still in shock "I'm gonna be a dad!"

And words for her as we close the program?" Jamie asked.

"Jagiya! Since we already have the kid part, will you do me the honor and marrying me? _________________, will you marry me?" he asked looking at the screen.

You quickly reached for your phone and texted his phone.




You watched as he looked at his phone and smiled.

"She said yes!" he shouted and everybody clapped and cheered for him.

"I love you jagiya!" he said.

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