Good Deed: GOT7

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You kissed your seven year old, five year old, and four year old children, and then left the shelter for the bus so you can rush to work. Again. You are always late. You were a salesclerk, and the only one. You were fired from your other two jobs for a no-call, no show. The reason being, is that you do not have a phone. You can't afford it. You and your three kids were evicted from your apartment when you were pregnant with your seven year old. During the time, you were scrambling to survive, from sleeping in bus stops to train stations. You begged people for food. You then found a job. You were a salesclerk at AhGaSe Inc. You rushed into the building went to clock in as you were thirty minutes late. Nobody knows your condition. Just you and God. You put on the apron and went outside, apologising to Kim for being late.

"Girl why are you so late all the time?" she asked annoyed.

"I woke up late again. I'm sorry" you said and she shook her head.

"JYP said that you are training the seven newbies" she said and you nodded.

You went into the orientation room and smiled as you saw seven people whispering. You bowed your head.

"Sorry for being late" you said.

"YAH! What took you so long!" one of them said.

"Do you know we have been waiting for over an hour now?" another said.

"I am sorry. Please forgive me" you begged and they nodded their head "Now, let's introduce ourselves."

"Hello, my name is Jacks-Jack!" the guy cried in pain as the other guy elbowed him.

"Hello, my name is Chris" a freakishly huge guy said.

"My name is Luke" a guy with a deep voice.

"I'm Jin" another said softly.

"I'm Jae" a guy said a bit aggressively.

"I thouught I was Jae?" another guy said and they all looked at him.

His eyes widened and he began laughing.

"Hi my name is Jason" the guy said.

Hi my name is Lance. Well that's my nick name. My name is very hard to pronounce" he said.

"Well, hello. My name is ___________________ and I'll be your orientation leader today." you said.

You did the routine, which was play the two videos and answer questions that they might have.

"So, right here. We have our seven main, I guess you can say, rules. They were created by the GOT7 members.
Mark, who is the oldest of the group created the silent rule. And that is basically saying to do not talk while the costumer is talking. We do not want to be intimidating to our costumers.
JB created the leaders rule. You have to feel empowered to be a leader to take orders but also give orders.
Jackson created the laughing rule. The laughing rule is basically, he wants you to smile. Despite the fact that you are having a bad day. I can relate to this.
JR created the kind rule. Be kind. Don't be mean to our costumers. Be kind. Make them feel welcomed.
Youngjae created the fast lane. He was known as the one who trained the least. So his rule is to be a quick learner.
BamBam created the fashionista! He wants us to look presentable.
Yugyeom created the strong rule. Which is always keep your head up." you finally finished and they all had a shocked expression on their face.

"You memorized all that?" Jae asked in pure shock.

"Yes. I want the people who come after me, see me as an example" you said "So why did you guys want to work here?"

"I had a company, but I decided to shut it down" Luke said and all of them nodded their heads.

"All of you guys did too?" you asked and they nodded their head.

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