Untold Secrets: JR

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You were JR's girlfriend. And like all idol's love life... There will always be the supporters and the haters. The thing that sucks was that... You had more haters.

"Jagi you have lots of mail" you heard JR say.

"Can you bring them" you asked.

Within seconds, JR came in with stacks upon stacks of envelopes. You knew exactly what they were. Threats.

"Can you close the door on your way out?" you asked and he nodded his head and closed the door.

You opened the first letter.


Well that's pleasant. You opened a few more.

Do us a favor and die!

Fuck you! Who do you think you are taking my oppa away from me. If I see you, you will be beaten and maybe killes.

I have a voodoo doll of you. Prepare to feel pain!

You sighed as your head began to hurt from reading all the hate mail. The door opened and JR came in. You pushed all the letters in the shoe box under your bed.

"What are all those" he asked.

"Nothing" you smiled trying your hardest to hide the pain.

"Okay. So, can you walk to the store and grab some things for JB?" he asked.

"Sure" you smiled but you were scared.

Scared because you were beaten. Beaten to the point that you lost your firsr baby because that's all they aimed for. Your stomach. You shook your head violently and smiled and went to JB to get the list and the money. And then you set off to the store. You avoided people at all cost so you took a few alleyways. You turned the corner and saw a few girls.

"Hey that's oppa's hoe!" one shouted.

"Get her" another shouted.

You tried to run but your hair was caught and you were being tossed like a rag doll. Your hair was pulled and your face was being punched. You felt then retreat and left you there as you tried to get up.

JR's P.O.V.:

I felt like something was up when I walked into ____________'s room. She pushed some letters into the shoebox and left it under the bed. I waited until she left so I can see what was with her. The moment she walked out the door, I ran into the room. I looked under her bed and grabbed her shoebox. I wonder what guys would write to her. I smiled as I successfully got into the box. But my smile disappeared quickly when I read what was on the papers.

Inner Thought: Oh no! She's out there by herself! I have to find her!

With that I ran out of the door. I couldn't find her so I called her. After the third or fourth ring, she picked up.


-Yah! Wherr are you?

-At home... Why oppa?

-We need to talk


- We'll discuss it later.

And then I hung up and ran back home. I ran and burst through her door and saw her applying make up to her face. I grabbed her hand and looked at her seriously.

"Why didn't you tell me that my fans were threatening and beating you?" I asked in a serious tone.

She looked at me with wide eyes.

"How did you know?" she asked and began crying.

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