Baby Sitting: JR

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"Come on... Pick up" you said.

"Yeobeoseo?" JR asked through the other line.

"Jagi? Can you do me a favor?" you asked.

"And do what?" he asked.

"Baby sit?" you replied.

"Who are you baby sitting?" he asked.

"Please... Pretty please" you begged in a kid like voice.

"Fine..." he chuckled.

"Oppa gomawo!" you shouted.

"YAH! My poor eardrums!" he laughed "I'll be there in about twenty to thirty minutes. Is that okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. That's fine" you smiled.

(If only he knew...)

(Ssssssshhhhhhhh! Author-nim! You'll give it away!)

You were walking around, silence engulfed the whole house. The only thing that was heard was your footsteps, your breathing, and the doorbell...


(WAIT... When did it ring?)

(Just go answer the door!)

You ran to the door and opened it. You saw your boyfriend standing there.

"Annyeong oppa," you said.

"Annyeong jagi," he smiled and pecked your forehead.

You told him to come in and you grabbed his coat.

"So... Who are we baby sitting?' he asked rubbing his hand together.

"Not we... You" you smirked.

(Author-nim... What is she talking about. Is she going out or something?)

(Going out?! Nigga please... You know she ain't got no social life!)

(Hey! Author-nim... That wasn't very nice. And I do have a social life... Just not a very big one...)

He looked at you with a confused look.

"What do you mean me?" he asked "You're not babysitting?"

You shook your head smiling.

"Why?" he asked a bit annoyed.

"Because you're going to baby sit me" ypu laughed.

His anger softened and he began laughing.

"What is this?" he asked.

"Well... We don't spend time together because you're too busy promoting... And because I miss when we used to cuddle" you shyly said.

"Why didn't you just ask instead of lying?"


"I... That didn't come to mind actually... Hehe. Sorry." you laughed.

"Geurae. Kaja jagi," he said.

"Where?" you asked confused.

"I'm baby sitting you so let's go put you in bed" ge smirked.

"Okay nanny" you in a kid like voice.

"YAH!" he shouted.

I'm back you guys. How long has it been? Sorry for not updating anything. Hope you enjoyed this one.

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