Shopping... Or Nah: Youngjae (Requested)

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It was you and your boyfriend's turn to do the shopping. You guys had to by all the things that was on the list that the parents of the group gave you two. You were looking for the meats when you heard your name being called. You turned around to see Youngjae with a bunch of hair.

"What do people call these in the states?" he asked tilting his head.

"Extensions" you said.

"No... The other one" he said pouting "The one that is shouted in every girl fighting video we watch on World Star-eu"

"Weave?" you said questionably.

"YEAH! I GOT YOUR WEAVE _____________________!" he shouted earning a few weird glances from other people.

"YAH! Paboya? Shikoro!" you said.

"Why man!?" he said in his broken English.

You left the cart of groceries and went to grab him.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"To put these back!" you said referring to the weave.

You guys got into the section where he got it and you saw a pair of glasses with the nose on it. You grabbed it and looked in the mirror only to burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" he asked but soon broke out into fits of laughter.

"You look very funny man!" he said English.

He grabbed blonde wig that and put it on and began to flip his hair as he sang Willow Smith's song "Whip My Hair".

"YAH! Youngjae! Stop!" you laughed.

As you were trying to stop him, you something caught your eyes. It was Pikachu ears. You grabbed it and turned around.

"PIKACHUUUUUUU~!" you shouted and ended up laughing.

"You sound like you're constipating," Youngjae laughed.

"YAH!" you laughed harder as he tried to imitate what you sounded like.

He walked past you and began talking to someone. You turned around and saw a mannequin that he was talking to.

"Yeah, my name is Youngjae" he said in English "What's your name?"

"Really. Aww. Wassup man!" he said grabbing the arm of the mannequin.

"Jae. What the fuck are you doing?" you giggled.

"Shhh. Do not interrupt me peasant. I am having a conversation with my friend... What your name again?" he said.

"Youngjae!" you said.

"No that's my name" he said to the mannequin and you started laughing.

"Anyways!" he said and walked to you.

"We have to finish sho- OH MY GOSH!" you shouted.

"What?" he asked.

You walked to it. You grabbed it.

"Do you know what these are?" you asked him.

"No.... What are they?" he asked tilting his head.

"Their condoms" you said smirking.

"What do they do?" he asked.

"They protect" you said.

"How does it work?" he asked.

"You put it on your head" you said putting it back and going to look at the other things.

A few minutes later, you heard rapid footsteps.

"______________________, did I do it right?" you heard Youngjae asked.

You turned around to see that Youngjae's head making a weird shape. You looked closely and saw that there was a plastic thing on his head.

"Youngjae... What's that?" you asked trying to hold in your laughter.

"The condom. You said to put it on your head for protection" he said and you bursted out laughing, while people just gave him dirty looks.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Not that head baby" you said and he tilted his head.

After a few seconds, he shrieked and yanked it off, while he fake cried.

"Ummmm. Excuse me sir and ma'am. The store is about to close" an employee said.

"Okay. We will leave" you said and you guys walked out.

You guys drove back to the dorm, laughing at the things that you guys did. Until it hit you. And you began to scream.

"What happened?" he asked as he opened the door to the dorm.

Your eyes filled with terror. You couldn't even think of what might Jaebum or Junior might do to you guys.

"We forgot to do the shopping" you half yelled, half whispered.

And his eyes widened.

"Uh-oh... That's not good man" he said in English.

I hope you enjoy it bwoo! 💋💋💋💋💋

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