War Of Hormones: Jackson (Requested)

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You are known as Alana.


You sat there taking in his manly features, his muscular arms, to his sharp jaw line, to his huge hands, to his deep voice.  His everything was just so perfect. You watched him hug up on another girl, and began to flirt with her. He would bite is lip and wink at her. Anger. That's all you felt. You felt anger as you witnessed him flirt with another girl.

"Ummm. If you're just gonna play with your food, than why did you buy it" you heard Jinyoung asked.

You looked and saw that your carton of milk was in your smashed in your hands, while your hand was dripping with milk. You cleaned up the mess in time to see Jackson come sit in front of you.

"Hey Alana," he said smiling.

"Hi Jackson" you said.

Without hesitation, Jackson blurted out:

"Alana, what is your ideal type?"

"Huh?" you asked taken a back.

"What is your ideal type?" he asked as he showed his killer smile.

"Well, my ideal is type is basically someone that can make me laugh, someone that is kinda muscularly built, someone who I can count on to never hurt me. Someone who smile and presence alone can brighten up my day, with his laugh. I want him to hold me when I am down. I want him to make me laugh, he is somewhat athletic, someone who is full of himself" you said trying your best to describe him.

"Alana?" he asked seriously.

"Yes Jackson" you answered.

"Why does it seem like you are describing me? Gosh! You shouldn't have Alana. You don't like me and I don't like you!"  he said laughing and it hurt you from what he had just said.

Out of nowhere, a different girl came and sat on Jackson's lap and began to kiss his neck while he moaned. She smirked and sat there watching you guys talk. You couldn't take it anymore, so you walked out of the cafeteria with tears brimming at your eyes. When you were out of the cafeteria, you bumped into someone, making you both fall.

"I'm so sorry" a male voice said.

"No it's my fault. I'm so sorry" you said wiping your tears.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"No, I just want to forget him. Why did I have to love him?" you asked as you began to cry harder.

"I don't know who you're talking about but that person is really missing out on a great person judging by your passion for him" he said and you looked up.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time" you said and got up.

"It's all good. I'm Jooheon, what's your name?" he asked.

"My name is Alana" you said blushing.

"Beautiful name for such a beautiful girl, who shouldn't be crying" he stated making you blush even more.

"You just made my day" you said.

"I'll take that as a compliment" he said "Let's be friends Alana"

"Yeah, let's be friends!" you smiled.

"Why class do you have?" he asked.

"I have English" you said.

"With who?" Jooheon asked.

"I have English with Ms. Lee" you said.

"Same here!" he said cheerfully.

"Really, okay then. Let's go to class" you said and walked together.

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