Revenge (Part 2): JB

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JB's P.O.V.:

"Dude I think I fucked up big time!" I cried to ___________'s brother Yugyeom.

"Let me guess. You cheated on my sister with another chick?" Yugyeom said as he was looking at his phone screen.

"How did you know?" I asked surprised.

"She just texted me!" he said with such hate.

"I-I am sorry Yugyeom" I said scared at how he would react.

"You shouldn't say sorry to me but to my sister. You really broke her" Yugyeom said.

"How will I get her trust back?" I asked.

"Go try and talk to her!" Mark yelled.

Your P.O.V.:

You were texting your older brother Yugyeom. The last text he sent made you happy yet angry. It said: "He's coming over to talk to you". At that moment, the doorbell rang. You went to see who it was. Guess who? Yup. None other than JB himself. You opened the door.

"What do you want?" you asked with such hate.

"I came to talk to you" he said.

"For what? Did Yugyeom send you?" you asked in the same tone.

He nodded his head and you received another text.

YG- Let him in!

You sighed and told him to come in. He walked into the apartment. You closed the door and turned around only to find him kneeling before you as he cried.

"P-Please. Please forgive me!" he cried "It was a mistake"

"Why?" you asked "Why did you do it?"

"I don't know. I was stupid. I wasn't thinking. Please. Please take me back. I'll do anything. When you took yojr revenge on me... I knew I had lost you. I knew that I couldn't breathe without you." he cried harder.

(What a bitch! Boohoo! )




You walked towards him. Truth is... You knew you couldn't live without him either. You knew that you wouldn't be the same without JB. So you had already forgiven him.

"Jagi..." you said to him.

His jead jerked up. His eyes wide. His mouth hung open. Tears streaming down his face.

"Y-You f-f-forgive m-me?" he asked astoundingly.

You nodded your head slowly and he got up and ran to you. Hugging you as if he wasn't going to let you go.

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