Fire: Youngjae

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"MOM! DAD! THERE'S A FIRE IN THE LIVINGROOM! MOM! DAD! GET UP!" your teenage son Jae shouted.

You and your husband shot up and looked at each other. You got off the bed and ran down stairs. You saw that the flames were scraping against the roof of your house. You looked at Youngjae and Jae.

"Go get Jaelyn and Jaela and Jason" you told Jae.

He ran up the flight of stares and you looked at Youngjae. You guys were looking at where to go since flames covered different different places, such as the doors and the windows.

"Go up the stairs" Youngjae commanded.

You guys ran up and went to the room with Jae and his younger siblings.

"I'll call the fire department" you said and began calling them

- 911 emergency, how may I help you?

- Hi. My house is on fire.

- Do you know how it started?

- No I do not know. Me and my family were sleeping at the time.

- Okay. I am sending the nearest fire truck and police officer. They should be there in four minute. Please try to get out of the house.

- We'll try. Thank you.

You hung and told you husband and you kids what you were told. You looked around and saw a window that didn't have any flames that were close to it.

"Youngjae and Jae. Go out through that window, I will drop my babies. Please do not drop them" you said.

"No. I will not leave you. You go first." Youngjae said.

"No! Mom and Dad. You both go down first." Jae volunteered.

"NO! Both of you guys go out first!" you shouted.

They heard the sternness in your voice, and nodded. The crawled out the window and waited down there.

"Don't drop my baby!" you said and dropped Jaelyn.

Youngjae caught her and passed her to Jae. You dropped Jaela and Youngja caught her. He again, passed her to Jae. You looked at Jason who had fear written all over his face.

"Baby. Everything will be okay" you said smiling as the floor began to creak underneath your feet.

"Okay" he said as he slowly made his way to you.

Fire was now in the doorway and smoke overlapped each other. Your vision became blurry and your lungs began to burn.

"Come one baby" you said as your eyes began to tear up.

"Mommy you won't leave me right?" Jason asked.

"Of course not" you said as you grabbed him and put him out the window.

You dropped him and both Jae and Youngjae caught him. You smiled and looked down.

"Come down baby" Youngjae said.

Your body became limp and your legs gave out.

"Youngjae, I can't breathe now" you said quietly.

"BABY!" you heard Youngjae cry.

"Take care of them" you cried the tears streaming down your face.

You felt the floor crumble and then you felt yourself fall down slowly.

Youngjae's P.O.V.:

_________________________ body became limp and she fell on the floor. I saw her struggle up holding herself up from the window pane and smiled.

"Take care of them" she said and I began crying.

"MOM!" Jae shouted and ran to the house.

He barged into the house through the window and he screamed.

"JAE!" I cried.

Just then, the sirens were heard and police officers came.

"Who is in there Youngjae?" Yugyeom the sergeant of the police department asked.

"Jae and _______________________" I cried.

Just then, Jae came out with __________________________ in his arms. I ran to them and noticed that she was unconscious.

The paramedics came and began trying to make her breathe. They tried to CPR but nothing happened. They looked at each other and shook their heads. I saw that they shook their heads and began crying as I know that they are telling each other that she was dead.

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