Shut Up And Be Mine: BamBam (Requested)

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You sat here admiring him and his flawless features. His sharp jaw line to his muscular arms that were uncovered. Practically drooling over him and his fine self. Imagining your future with him, your marriage, to you being pregnant, to you you walking around the park with him and your kids. You smiled as you continued to imagine your world with him.

"Eww... You're drooling" you heard a voice say.

You turned and saw your childhood friend BamBam.

"What?" you said as you came back to reality.

"You are drooling" he said.

You quickly wiped it off.

"Eww. So disgusting" he said scrunching his face with disgust.

"How was your morning?" you asked as you waited for the teacher to enter the classroom.

"Nothing new. Just watching the girl that I have feelings for. But I feel like I'm losing her to someone else." he said a bit down.

"Oh Bammie. You will get the girl your having feelibgs for" you said rubbing his back.

"Where ___________? She only has her eyes set one person and that one person alone." he said.

At that moment, the teacher came in and began the lesson. It was lunch and you and BamBam went to the cafeteria together. As you were about to enter, you saw a familiar person walk in front of you. It was none other than Jackson Wang.

"Isn't he perfect?" you asked.

"Why are you asking me?" BamBam asked with an annoyed tone.

"What's wrong?" you asked.

"Nothing" he replied rather quickly.

"It's not nothing when you were happy just a few seconds ago. Now you're mad. It's either you is bipolar or you on your man's period" you joked.

"Anyways" he said "Why don't you pay attention to Mr. WangThePerfectGuyOfEveryGirlsDream?" BamBam said.

"Are you jealous that Jackson has girls on his dick when you don't" he asked amused.

"No. I'm mad because my friend that I have.feelings for has her eyew set in him and only him. Totally ignoring my feelings for you!" he exclaimed.

You sat there trying to realize what he had said. You finally realized that BamBam likes you, and you then realized that you also had a minor crush on him too.

"I just... I like you _________ okay?" he said.

"I-I-" you said lost for words.

"Just shut up." he said "And be mine already"

You smiled and embraced him in a hug.

"Then shut up and kiss me then we can start talking" you smirked and smashed your lips with his.

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