Birthday Sex: Mark (Requested)

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BOYXBOY [Obviously A Smut]

"Babe. Come on! We're running behind schedule because you won't wake up" you said shaking your boyfriend.

His face buried into the pillow so whatever he was saying was muffled.

"What?" you asked.

"Pwy fid tyou haf to cschedrual sumthong arly een thre murnin?" he said through the pillow.

"I don't understand anything that you said" you saud frustrated.

"I said why did you have to schedule something early in the morning?" he asked.

"Seriously? It's past 11" you said.

"Really. It seems so early" he whined.

"Get up babe please. I'll do anything just so you can get up. I want everything to be perfect since it's your birthday" you confessed sheepishly.

"Anything?" he asked in his morning voice.

"Anything" you said, confirming his question.

"Then let's have sex" he said straightforward.

"W-What?" you asked.

"Let's have sex" he repeated himself.

"But I was gonna save that for later on tonight" you said and began to blush.

"You said anything, and I'm feeling a bit horny right now" he said as he began to stroke himself after removing his boxer "If not, I'll just lay here and watch TV"

"Fine" you said and in the next moment, he was hovering over you.

"Even though it's my birthday, me being top is one of the best gifts from you" he said and kissed you after he made you blush.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment? Huh Daddy?" you saud teasingly as yiu rubbed his dick with your hand making him moan.

His adam's apple was out there, so you decided to lick it and suck on it. You felt him take off your clothes which made you both naked. You pushed him on hus back, so he was on the bed. You got on top of him and played with his balls, making his big length hard. It stood up straight and you decided to trace a vein with your tongue, earning a very husky moan from him.

"I love to hear that sound" you said as you began to take his full length into your mouth.

You bobbed your head up and down, faster and faster, as you played with his balls. You felt his dick twitch in your mouth and his hot sticky liquid squirted into your mouth. You licked both corners of your lips and he pushed you down, while he hovered over you.

"No foreplay?" he asked.

"No foreplay" you said and he slammed into you, making you groan.

He began thrusting into you, while he hoisted one of your kegs onto his shoulders.

"Mmark~!" you moaned.

"Keep moaning for me!" he demanded.

"Mark! Aah! You're so big!" you moaned as you began to stroke yourself.

Hus thrusts kept going deeper and faster. Your body became limp as he was tearing your hole apart.

"I'm about to cum" he moaned.

"Cum for me" you demanded.

And that is what he did. He filled your tight hole with his warm sticky substance. He pulled out and began licking where it was oozing out. He laid on his back, his hands resting behind his head, showing off his muscular arms. You hopped on top of him and began to grind on his dick with your dick.

"Ride me" he demanded.

Without hesitation, you positioned yourself above his dick and went down. Slowly but surely taking his length in. You rose up and fell back down, each time making his dick go in more deeper.

"Fuck you're so big!" you said as you struggled to ride his length.

You placed your hands on his abs, making it slightly more easier to ride. A few more thrusts and he came into you again.

"God damn that was good" you said as you laid on your stomach.

Without any warning, Mark had entered you as you kaid there.

"Nngghhhaaaaahhhh" you said as he slammed himself into you.

"I told you that I'm super horny today" he said as he kept slamming into you.

A few more thrusts and he pulled out, began to stroke himself, and after a little whike, he came on your ass.

"You were great as always babe" he moaned as his dick brushed against your thigh.

"So were you Daddy" you said "Happy birthday"

"Thanks babe" he said and fell back to sleep.

"Seriously. We have olans TUAN!" you shouted.


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