Tutors: Mark (Requested)

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You were smart in all of your classes except one. Math!


You were told by your teachers that algebra and calculus is used through your life. Like how? How are you going to find x in a serious situation. Anyways... You had your boyfriend tutor you. Mark. He was so smart in math, that he would finish the homework assignment while you're either writing your name, the date, or just staring at the first problem. You were so lost. But Mark... He wasn't that smart in all his other classes. Like science and English. And history. So you tutored him and he tutored you. You guys were at your house that you guys shared.

"Now do you get how to find x?" he asked after showing you for the sixteenth time.

"Nope" you said shaking your head.

"Okay. So you subtract or add the number with the variable to get x by itself" he stated again.

"Uh huh" you nodded along.

"And to get x by itself with no coefficient, you either have to multiply ir divide the coefficient to get x by itself" he stated.

"And then you get your answer" you stated and he nodded.

"Good" he said.

You completed your homework with a little bit of help from Mark. And now it was his turn. But being the kid he was, all he did was complain.

"But I don't want to do it" he pouted.

"You have to" you said shaking him.

"Do you even know the first two elements in the periodic table?" he asked.

"Of course everbody knows that" he said with a duh tone.

"What is it then" you asked smirking.

He looked at you with wide eyes.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because you said that you know what it is? So what is it?" you asked.

"It's... Can you stop looking at me" he asked.

"Fine" you said "Just a heads up. If you don't tell me the answer in the next thirty seconds, you will never get a kiss from me again" you said turning around.

"B-But jagi! Wae?" he pouted.

"Twenty-five seconds" you announced.

"What is the first two elements of the periodic table" he asked.

Assuming that he was asking you, you were about to answer him. But you were interrupted by another voice.

The first two elements of the periodic table are called Hydrogen and Helium.

You looked back and saw that he had asked his phone. You glared at him as he stared at you with a "You got me" look and smiled.

"H-Hydrogen and Helium?" he ended it as a question.

"Good" you said.

"What about my kiss?" he pouted.

"You cheated!" you pouted now "You couldn't answer the question by your own self"

"If I don't get a kiss... Then... Then... Then I'm withdrawing myself as your tutor!" he exclaimed like a little kid.

"Go ahead. I'll just go ask Jackson or Jinyoung oppa for help." you smirked "And you can find yourself a new tutor. And maybe. Even a new girlfriend"

"ANI!" he cried and pouted "Only you can be my tutor and only I can be yours! And that's final. I'm your tutor so I deserve a kiss!"

"Geurae. Since you've helped me. Thanks oppa!" you said pecking his lips before continuing the tutoring session.

The only way for him to actual be engrossed into the turoring session was you had to involve kissed and hugs and cuddle session. Which you owe a lot to him now.

I hoped you like it... I've been trying to work on it but it kept having this off feeling. And I kind of felt satisfied with this. I hope you are too!

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