New Or Old Friend (Requested): Youngjae and Mark

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"Mark!" you  ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Jesus __________________" he laughed.

"What?" you asked.

"It's only the first day of school and may I remind you that we saw each other yesterday," he laughed.

"I can't say hi to my one and only best friend?" you asked and pouted.

"Stop pouting before I kiss you," he demanded and you pouted some more.

The thing is, you had fatty crush on Mark but you didn't feel like telling him due to not wanting to ruin this strong ass bond between you and him. You guys walked to your first class and sat down. You received some "Hellos" here and there as you went to class and you sat down by Mark. And the teacher came in followed by two new kids.

"Class we have two new students. Please introduce yourselves." he demanded.

"Hello, my name is Choi Youngjae and I hope we can be great of friends," the kid named Youngjae said while smiling.

(Wow. He's kind of cute... No! I must save myself for Mark!)

"Hello, my name is Tzuyu and I as well hope we can be friends," she said.

Well, it felt like it was only towards Mark because she only looked at him and bit her bottom lip.

"Okay, _____________________ please sit with Youngjae and Mark, your seat partner is Tzuyu" the teacher said and you moved a seat forward.

The two new students went to their seats.

"Hi, my name is Youngjae." he smiled as he extended his hand out.

"Hi my name is _________________," you smiled back as you took his hand.

"That's a beautiful name," he smiled and you blushed.

The next few weeks were with you, Mark, and Tzuyu. You and Youngjae gotten closer each class session, that you had to keep reminding yourself that you like Mark. Well one day, you were walking back to class when you were yanked and thrown to the wall.

"Ow. Tzuyu what do you want?" you asked nicely.

"I want you to stay away from Mark," she said straightforward.

"W-What?" you asked astonished.

"You heard me. Stay away from my Mark," she said stepping forward.

"I'm sorry, I think you have it mistaken, me and Mark are really close friends," you said.

"But you want to be more," she threw out and your eyes grew wide.

"H-How?" you asked.

"It's quite obvious when you won't stop smiling and looking at him," she said looking at her nails.

"And if I don't?" you asked.

"______________? Tzuyu? Has anybody seen them?" Mark's voice boomed through the hallway.

She smirked, messed up her hair, slapped herself, and fell on the floor. And that was when Mark turned the corner.

"Tzuyu?" Mark came and held it... I mean her.

"I don't know what happened. I was talking to ______________ and how she has a crush on you and then she slapped me," she cried.

"W-What! No. You came and-" you started.

"Save it ___________________!" Mark shouted.

"But Mark she is lying," you said as tears were on the verge of your eyes.

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