We Were Meant To Be (Part 5): Mark feat. Jackson

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Years passed and you and your little family sat there. You had another child and you named him after the retarded ass uncle that kept begging, bribing, annoying, and asking if you can name your next child after him. Jaebum. You and Jackson still owned the company. But, Jackson has either been coming home late or not at all. But, he is the CEO before you, so he has to make sure, everything is in check. OH YEAH... THE JANITORS (FROM PART 4)... WELL THEY'RE DEAD! R.I.P. TO THEM.

Well, it was another late night, where you had to sit in Jaebum's room because he has nightmares about Jackson trying to kill and you keep saying that it will never happen. Around 4 AM, Jackson walks through the front door and looks at you.

"Why aren't you sleeping babe?" he asked.

"I can't sleep while I worry about you" you said and you guys walked into the room.

"I will always be okay. Don't worry about me." he said and you nodded.

Well you were on maternity leave and what not so you basically stayed at home. Or to be more specific, Jackson forced you to stay at home and take care of Jaebum. Well, the mail came in and you looked through and one of them caught your attention. It was specifically addressed to you. But instead of Mrs. Wang, it was Ms. Park. You opened the mail and you read it.

Dear ____________________,

I would like to be able to talk to you again. I want to get somethings off of my chest and it is time for you to know the truth. Please come and meet me at the cafe near the park that we would always have to take you to, when you threatened all of us that you'll tell on your parents. This is urgent matters. I am begging you to come and forget about the past. I want you to know, what you should have known. And you need to know all the secrets that he is hiding from you. PLEASE COME! I'll be at the cafe today at 4:30.

That's it. Nothing that had to do with the person that wrote it. You looked and saw that it was almost 4. So you decided to call JB.

"What?!" he answered.

"Come watch the Jaebum for me please" you said.

"What?" he asked.

"Come watch Jaebum for me. I am meeting with someone."


"Fine. I guess I'll just have to change Jaebum's name to another name. I could've lowered the things you said that you will get me but I still never received it. And I guess I'll have to tell Jenny about your little secrets." you smirked.

"And what secrets are those?" he said with a cocky tone.

"Well, let me see," you said.

"Exactly" he said and laughed "You ain't got nothing on me!"

"I'll tell Jenny about Mr. Stuffy, your rabbit teddy bear that you kept on sleeping with. There is also the time when you weren't looking, I took a lot of embarrassing photos, and then there is this one. You were the one that pushed Jenny in front of the bus, almost killing her" you smirked.

"What time do you want me to be there?" he asked.

"Right now" you said and hung up.

The clock struck 4 and the doorbell rang. You went to check who it was, and it was Jaebum.

"Hey, how is ,my favorite sister doing?" he asked as he lifted his arms up for you to hug him.

"Good" you said rushing past him.

"YAH!" he shouted.

"I'm sorry but I'm running late" you said and drove to the cafe.

You parked the car and you went and ordered whatever you wanted. You waited for and waited until someone sat in front of you. You looked up in surprise as you saw who it was. Your eyes were wide as saucers and your mouth hung open.

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