Broken Promise (Part 2): JR (Requested)

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Well, months have passed and your doctor kept nagging you to get the surgery that was needed for you to be all better. But you kept it a secret. Yes you were sick. You had a heart disease and it was giving you a hard time. You got another call from your doctor.


"_____________ you need to have the surgery fast or else it would result in death."

"I understand that I need surgery but I don't got the propwr funds for it"

"Well try and find some because at this point, your heart condition is very critical"

"Okay. I'll have the surgery as soon as possible"

You hung up the phone and turned around only to be found looking at JB and Mark.

"What surgery?" they asked.

"Huh I don't know what you're talking about" you played it off and began walking away from them.

Mark stopped you by grabbing your arm.

"We heard everything" he saod sternly.

You sighed because you have been caught. You told them everything and they sat there shocked.

"Now you-" you started but couldn't finish because you fell onto the floor grasping your chest.

Mark and JB both panicked and called everybody. They rushed you to the hospital.

JR's P.O.V.:

I was walking to _____________'s house when I got a call from Mark saying that ______________ just collapsed. I rushed to her house and saw her on the floor. We took her to hospital and waited for hours. The doctor came out and I stood there.

"How is she?" I asked with hope in my voice.

He sighed and pushed up his glasses.

"I'm sorry but she didn't make it. Her heart disease was too critical and was fatal. We told her to get surgery but she wouldn't because she doesn't have the money" the doctor explained.

"No. She- She promised" I said as I fell to the floor "She promised and than she broke it!"

"I'm sorry" the doctor said and left.

"She broke her promise" JR cried on his members shoulders.

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