If You Do: JB

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You and JB had a date planned and everything. The only thing is... It got ruined by your boss. Your boss called you in and asked if you could cover his shift since he has to be somewhere. You couldn't say know since he's been covering for you so you had tk take it. You called JB and told him the news. Silence. That's all you heard. Was silence.

"Hello? Babe?"


"I'm sorry oppa but I have to. Maybe next time"


And then he ended the call.

JB's P.O.V.:

This is the third time ___________ did this the past to weeks. She would always say that her boss told her to come in and work. But does she really work? Does she really go in? These things circulate my mind. I sighed and ruffled my hair.

"Hyung. Gwaenchanahyeo?" Yugyeom asked.

"Ani!" I snapped at him.

"What happened?" he asked.

"______________ canceled out again. What if she's cheating?" I asked.

"My sister will never cheat on you... Except with her boss" Yugyeom said.

I stood up and ran out of the door not hearing what Yugyeom was saying. All I heard was the words "I" and "Joking". It was already late so I went on a midnight stroll.

Your P.O.V.:

You were finally off and your legs were wobbling. You also grabbed the food that you made for you and for JB. You were walking when you saw someone from a afar. The person seemed to be very angry. He ripped off the posters off of the wall amd even kicked some trash cans over, spilling out all of the rubbish. You walked closer to the figure to and noticed that the figure seemed very.... Familiar. When he screamed you knew it had to be him.

"Oppa?" you said weakly due from being tired.

He looked at you and at your clothes and at your hand who were occupied by the bags. Hjs anger softened and he had a look of regret.

"I'm sorry jagi. It's just that I kept thinking that you were cheating and then Yugyeom said that you wpuld cheat on me with your boss-"

"He said that!" you screamed.

"Y-Yeah why?" he asked a bit taken a back.

"He knows my boss is gay," you said.

"As long as you don't cheat on me then it's okay. Now let's go and beat up Yugyeom." he said.

"Let me get the first hit though" you said and he nodded.

You guys went home and the only thing be heard was Yugyeom screaming for help.

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