Never Again: Mark (Requested)

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Hey HOODRATS! So this person... They want to be kept anonymous. BOY X BOY

You got ready for a fan sign event that your friend asked you to go to. You declined at first, but he wouldn't stop doing aegyeo. So to make him shut up, you agreed to go to his group's fan signing event.

"So... Tell me about your group Jack" you said.

"Ok. So we are called GOT7. We are under JYP Entertainment. And yeah. There are seven members. JB, JR, me, Youngjae, Yugyeom, BamBam, and Mark Tuan" he said and you froze.

"Mark what?" you asked.

"Mark Tuan" he said again.

"Is he originally from LA?" you asked.

"Yeah." Jackson said not seeing where this was going.

"Interesting. Has he said anything about leaving behind a friend?" you asked.

"He said that he had no friends" Jackson replied.

"Oh" you said "I guess I was nothing to him."

You guys arrived at the place where the fan sign event will be held. Jackson brought you back stage and gave you a poster, a post card of Mark, an album, a banner, and a glow stick. You then went where the other fans were and sat there, waiting for it to start. The event started and you were making your way to the front of the table. You went to the first membee, which happened to be BamBam.

"Hi" he said.

"Hello" you replied.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"________________. Originally from LA" you said.

"Cool cool. Our oldest member Mark is from LA too" he smiled as he signed your things.

You went on to the next person, which was Youngjae.

"Hey man!" he exclaimed and you couldn't help laugh.

"Hello" you said.

He signed your things and you went to the other one. Yugyeom.

"Hi" he waved.

"Hello." you replied with a welcoming smile.

"I'm Yugyeom" he said.

"I'm ________________" you said as he signed your stuff and went to Jinyoung.

"Hello" he said with a soft voice.

"Hi" you smiled.

"What's your name" he asked.

"___________________" you said.

"Okay" he said and wrote a message and smiled as he handed his things to you.

You hesitated to go to the next one. Jaebum. He looked like he was goinv to kill you. You bowed and handed your things.

"Name?" he asked straightforward.

"__________________" you said.

"You mean the _______________ that's friends with this shit head?" he askes.

"Sadly yes" you guys laughed.

"Hey!" he shouted making you and Jaebum laugh.

"Why are you friends with such a low life. You should be my friend" he said and you nodded.

"Okay. Let's be friends" you said and nodded.

"You see Jackson. Now me and _______________ are friends. We're more friends than you and him" he smiled and hugged you.

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