First Win: JB

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You and other antsy fans were in the crowd waiting for the emcees to announce the winner. You looked at your boyfriend as he stood there looking at you nervously.

"GOT7! Chukahamnida!" the emcees shouted.

You screamed as you looked at your boyfriend who looked like he finally realized he won. He looked at you as you jumped up and down screaming your lungs out.

"Go JB! Go GOT7!" you shouted.

He probably heard because he looked at you and did his signature eye smile that would always kill you. The show ended and you waited for them to come to you. You saw them and you ran to them.

"JB!" you shouted.

"Jagi!" JB shouted.

"____________!" everybody else shouted.

They ran to you and engulfed you in a big group hug. You literally almost fell.

"Congrats baby!" you said smiling as you pecked his lips.

"Thank you baby," JB said between the kisses.

"Congrats boys!" you said to all of them.

"Thanks ____________" they responded.

"We finally won baby!" JB shouted as tears filled his eyes.

"Awww. My baby is about to cry because he won number 1" you teased.

"A-Ani!" JB said pushing your head.

"Right. You can cry in front of me" you teased "My little winner!"

"I like that" he smiled and pecked your lips.

Can't you believe that they finally won! Good job GOT7! #GOT71STWIN

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