Meant To Be Together: JB (Requested)

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You and JB was the definition of childhood friends. You guys were close since diaper days. And now you guys are now seniors in high school. JB would always be there for you when you were sad, mad, happy, hungry, depressed, and even hungry. He was always there. Well, you and him were walking from school when you something that you didn't like. Or you could have ever imagined. You saw your boyfriend kissing up on your nemesis. And it seemed like he was enjoying it because he continued to kiss, he kept on moaning, and he smiled as he was kissing her. Tears streamed down your face.

"J-Jackson" you whispered.

JB leaned your head on his shoulder and to make you not see the scene. But even though you weren't looking, your mind recreated it with every detail. Even to the low cut grass and the pinkish purple sky. You were hurt because before he left, he texted you that he was going to his parents because his mom was sick.

"Calm down" JB cooed.

"I can't believe he would do such a thing. And to top it off, with her!" you said as he led you to oyur house.

"I'm here for you" JB said patting your back.

"Thanks JB" you sighed "You have always been a good friend."

The moment you said that, JB felt hurt. Friends. He wanted to be more than that. Be like in a relationship.

"You know what I've noticed... You're always there when I needed Jackson. Why is that?" you wondered.

"Because we were meant to be and because I love you" he said quickly and quietly.

Your head jerked up at what he had said. Your eyes widened and your heart began to race.

"What did you just say?" you asked.

"Nothing" he said quickly.

"You said we were meant to be and that you loved me. But I always thought you never saw me as a women but as your little sister that you had to keep on saving. That's why I hid my love from you" you said as you began to tear up.

"You love me?" JB asked as he heard what you said.

"Always have. I also thought that we were meant to be but it seemed like you loved another girl" you said.

"No. I've always loved you" he said kissing you.

"We were meant to be together" you said amd pecked his nose.

"Yes we were" he smiled and pecked your lips.

I hope you enjoy this. Have a good night.

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