Here For You: BamBam

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It was your high school prom. You and your boyfriend was nominated for prom king and queen. It was time to announce the prom court and the nominees were told to stand in a line.

"Prom king is Chunji!"

Everybody cheered including you. He looked at you and smiled.

"Prom queen is Min!"

She stepped forward and received the crown. She looked at you and smirked and you smiled.

"Congratulations" you mouthed to her.

She rolles her eyes and went to cling on your boyfriend Chunji. You walked off the stage and waited for Chunji. He came and smiled.

"Sorry you didn't get to be prom queen" he said.

"It's okay. You're still me king though" you smiled and began dancing.

"Hey. I'm going to the restroom. Just keep dancing" he said and walked away.

"_______________!" your friend BamBam shouted through the loud music.

"Hey" you smiled.

"Where is Chunji?" he asked.

"He's at the bathroom" you answered.

"Oh so that was him" he yelled as he had a shock expression plastered on his face.

"What?" you asked curious.

"____________? Please listen to me... Chunji was just having sex with Min in the bathroom." he said.

"What? No way" you denied.

"I'm being serious" he said.

"He's telling the truth" your younger brother Yugyeom said.

You stormed out of the hall and went to the bathroom only to find Min and Chunji come out together holding hands.

"What is this?" you asked.

"You thought that I would actually date you? You're not even my type to begin with. I'm glad that you didn't win prom queen." he smirked.

You went up to him and socked him on the face. He fell and rubbes his bleeding lip. You looked at Min and with all your might, you slapped her face. She fell onto Chunji and then you left.

"Fuckin' retarded ass piece of shit!" you said as you were out of the buildings.

"You shouldn't say those things" you heard your brother say.

"Shut up" you smiled.

"What did you do?" he asked.

"I kind of... Punched them..." you said looking down.

"You what?" Yugyeom shouted.

"Shut it and get lost. I'm not in the mood" you said as you looked into his eyes.

Without hesitation, Yugyeom left you sitting on the curb by yourself. You buried your face in your arms. A few minutes passed and you felt a jacket being placed on your shoulders.

"I thought I told you to get lost Yugyeom" you said a bit frustrated.

"But I am not Yugyeom" the voice said and you looked up to find BamBam.

"What are you doing here?" you asked.

"Checking up on you" he said.

"Why?" you asked.



"Because I have always loved you. I hated myself for being too scared to ask you. And I felt like I should be there so you could notice me" he confessed.

You were speechless. You didn't know what to say.

"Just know that I will always love you and I will always be there for you" he said and got up.

Before he left, you grabbed his wrist and looked at him.

"Just know that I love you too and I will always be there for you" you smiled.

He looked at you with a shocked expression bit it turned into a smile.

"Shall we go inside then..." he started but couldn't continue because of thinking of the word to use.

"Of course jagi." you said and dragged him to the hall.

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