Too Late: BamBam (Requested)

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You wandered the streets of Seoul, admiring the clean enviroment, the clean air, and the nice people. You stopped and sat on a bench at a park that was slightly populated with elderly people and some teens and young adults.

"It's so beautiful" you smiled to yourself.

"A-Annyeonghaseo. Joneun BamBam-himnida." a boy said.

You nodded your head and smiled.

"Nuguya?" he asked.

"I don't know what you're saying. But bye" you said and got up and walked away from the creepy looking young man.

"Wait you speak English?" he asked in perfect English.

"I don't know. Am I. Or am I speaking in French?" you asked.

"I w-was wondering if you would like to go out for some coffee?" BamBam asked.

"We just met little boy" you said.

"Just one drink won't hurt" he said.

"Fine" you said giving in as he began to pout.

You grabbed your stuff and followed him to the nearest cafe.

"So... What's your name?" he asked.

"_______________. You?" you asked.

"BamBam" he said as he ordered his drink.

"What do you do for a living?" you asked.

"I'm actually a K-pop star. I am in a seven member group called GOT7." he said "You?"

"I'm a full time student in a very prestigious school in England, who is on vacation until a couple days and then I go back" you said.

You guys got to know each other. And it didn't really help that you are now studying his features, only to conclude that you were developing feelings for him. Days past and it seemed like you and BamBam knew each other since them diaper days. It was the day you left. You waited for the security to open their positions to let you in. You examined every last bit of Seoul, only to land on a certain familiar figure. His eyes meeting yours.

"What are you doing here?" you asked.

"Came to say good bye?" he said as he hugged you.

However, his hugs were different. As if you meant something towards him. It was time to board the plane. You walkes past security looking back, to aee BamBam still standing there, waving at you.

"Goodbye Bammie. I love you" you said and walked to your seat.

A few weeks past and you ket up with GOT7's whereabouts and doings. And in seven minutes, they will be doing After School Club. You sat there anxiously waiting for tge show to begin with your laptop open to Twitter and phone open on the ASC page on V-App. (I know for a fact hella of ya be doing this.) You continued to bombard the ASC Twitter page with questio s and what not.

"Shit it's starting!" you said.

-Ayo it's yo boy Eric Nam!

-It's your favorite girl and emcee Jimin.

-Hello everyone, my name is Kevin and we are at the studios for ASC with GOT7.

GOT7 came into the view and you smiled at how BamBam matured so well. You smiled at his features, his hair, his everything.

- BamBam? Is there someone that has caught your attention? (Eric)

- Actually there has been someone. (BamBam)

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