We Know!: Yugyeom

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- Jagi! Do you know what today is?

-Of course Yugyeom. Today is the 16th of November...

- What else?

- What else what?

- Today is a very special day

- Oh shit. I'm sorry baby. I totally forgot.

- You did.

- Yeah. I forgot that me and Mark Jackson had to go see our parents.

You quickly hung up the phone and finished wrapping up thw last of the gifts.

"Was that him?" Mark asked.

"Yeah." you said as you began decorating.

Yugyeom's P.O.V.:

"Hyung. Do you think really think that __________ really forgot about my birthday?' Yugyeom asked.

"Who knows. You know that she is always busy. Especially when it comes to work and us and her family." BamBam said.

Yugyeom sighed as they continued looking for a gift for Yugyeom himself.

Your P.O.V.:

"Are you guys done?" you asked.

"Yeah!" Mark said.

"Almost. Just need the M of his bane and then yeah" Youngjae shouted as he was decorating the cake.

"How many more balloons do you want me to do!" Jackson cried.

"Shut the fuck up stupid ass. I had to do all of them because your dumbass was stuck on one for the whole hour!" you screamed.

"Watch it! I'm still older than you!" Jackson said.

"You may be older than me but don't forget that my Mom and Dad found you in a garbage can. So they took you out pity. Not out of love" you retaliated.

"Damn!" JB laughed.

"Jackson... Poor you. Know wonder why you get along with the garbage man." Mark shouted.

"Watch it Tuna or you ain't getting shit tonight!" Jackson said making Mark shut up real quick.

"He ain't got to get it from you booboo. He can get it from me!" you said grinding all over Mark.

"Get away from him! He's mine!" Jackson screamed like a little kid.

"Is you mad. Or nah!" you laughed and made everyone laugh.

"You guys truly are siblings." JR said.

You guys finished decorating the house, the cake, blew up lots of balloons, put up the banner, and made hella food.

Yugyeom's P.O.V.:

Yugyeom and BamBam was still walking around.

"I still can't believe that she forgot my birthday" Yugyeom cried.

"Yah! Don't cry!" BamBam said trying to comfort him.

"How can I not cry when my girlfriend doesn't even remember my birthday!" Yugyeom cried.

"It's okay it's-" BamBam started.

"It's not okay. How would you feel if your girlfriend forgot your birthday. How would you think Mark would feel if Jackson forgot his birthday. How would you feel if JB forgot Youngjae's birthday... And JR's birthday?" Yugyeom screamed.

"Bad? Sad? Mad?" BamBam said.

"Exactly!" Yugyeom cried.

"Let's go back to the dorm?" BamBam said and Yugyeom nodding.

Your P.O.V.:

"They're almost here!" you shouted.

You guys ran around making last minute finishing touches, when you heard them laughing. You guys quickly switched the lights off and hid. The door opened and in came BamBam and Yugyeom. He flicked the lights on and you all yelled "SURPRISE!"

"Were you crying?" you asked as you saw his face.

"Yes. He was!" BamBam said and Yugyeom came running to you.

"I thought you didn't remember!" he cried.

"Stop crying. We all knew. You practically went around tbe whole dorm screaming "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY YOU GUYS! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!"" you said and he laughed.

"Thanks jagi!" he said as he pecked your lips.

"Aye. Stop. Her older brother is here and I don't like seeing that." Jackson said.

"You don't see us complaining when you and Mark are hella loud!" Yugyeom said making you burst out laughing.

"You're lucky it's your birthday maknae!" Jackson said.

"Happt Birthday my big baby!" you said as you pecked his lips.


Happy Birthday to GOT7's
GIANT maknae!
Hope you have a good one!

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