If You Do: Yugyeom

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It was late night and you were on the verge of falling asleep when someone began banging on your door.

"Who the fuck?" you said as you rolled out of bed and walked to see who was at the door.

You peeked through the peep hole when you saw the person you didn't want to see at the moment.

"Open up!" he screamed as he kept on banging on the door.

You stayed there quiet and kept watching from the peep hole. He tried looking in the peep hole and you covered it. He continued tl bang on the door.

"Open the fuckin' door!" he screamed.

You stayed quiet and waited seeing if he would leave. But he didn't. He stayed where he was and kept on banging on the door.

"Nobody's home!" you shouted.

(Ah shit!)

(Nice one dumbass)

"Open the door!" he screamed.

"No!" you said.


"Because you keep thinking that I'm cheating on you with your friend." you said.

"Just open the door!" he demanded.


"Fine" he said smirking and walked away.

"Thank God ge left!" you said.

"__________________! OPEN THE DOOR NOW!" Yugyeom screamed as he stayed in the front of your property trying to wake up the neighbors.

You ran and covered his mouth.

"Are you crazy!" you shouted.

"Crazy for you," he said "I'll do anything for you to open the door again. Just please forgive me for making a big mistake"

Your eyes teared up and you guys began crying.

"I love you" you said.

"I love you too," he smiled and pecked your lips.

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