Promise: Mark (Requested)

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"Elaine baby. Promise with your life and with this promise ring, that we'll be together through thick and thin, even when one of us dies" Mark said.

"I promise oppa," you said receiving the ring that your boyfriend had just put on your finger.

A few weeks past and you felt kind of dizzy. Your vision was blurry and your breathing was uneven. But than, everything went black. You opened your eyes only to find yourself in a misty white place, that was very bright. When you remembered what had happened, it finally registered that you were in heaven, and that means you were dead.

It was the day of your funeral, and Mark sat there crying in the front row. Your family trying to comfort him. The service ended and everybody was walking out. The priest was praying over your casket m. While praying, he stooped because he heard someobe shouting.

"Hey let me out. It's dark and it's cold. And I'm starving" the voice shouted.

The priest looked around not knowing where the voice was.

"Let me out of here. Hello! It's me! I was wondering if you could let me out of this damn casket please!" the voice said banging on the casket. The priest slowly opened the top of your casket and saw you looking at him.

"Well about-" you started.

"AAAAHHHH!" the priest screamed shutting the door to your casket.

"Heeeeyyyy!" you said pushing the door open.

The priest looked at you as if you were a ghost. I mean, wouldn't blame him, you practically just woke up after your funeral.

"Are you... Alive?" the priest asked.

"I think" you said "Boo?"

"Thank you Jesus. She lives!" he shouted.

You guys talked for awhile and than you were sent home. The first stop was home. You knocked on the door, only to find your older brother Jaebum open the door, in his tux. His eyes grew wide when he saw you. He rubbed his eyes and looked at you again. He rubbed it again a closed his eyes.

"Okay Im Jaebum. Your probably just imagining that your little sister is standing right in front of you. When you open your eyes, she's not gonna be there" he ssid talking to himself.

He opened his eyes and jumped back.

"Elaine?" he asked.

"Boo!" you screamed only to get punched in the face by your brother.

"Jaebum what is all that-" your mom started until she saw you.

"Baby?" your mom said and ran to yoy engulfing you in a hug "My Elaine"

Her tears fell freely and she called your dad.

"Elaine!" she shouted.

"Babe what are you-" he asked and stopped when he saw you.

"Hi Daddy" you said and he ran and hugged you.

"Hi Elaine" he sobbed.

You saw your other big brother Jinyoung.

"Hi Jinyoungie" you cooed.

"Hi Elaine" he said and went to the kitchen only to run back to you a few seconds later "Elaine? B-But how?"

You hung out with your family, talking, laughing, crying. Until Jaebum said that Mark should know.

"I want to surprise him" you said and they nodded.

You were at the front door of the boys' apartment. You slowly opened the door.

"Surprise?!" you said and your heart sunk.

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