Sad Movies: JR

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So.... Inspirations came from a song called "Sad Movies" but I don't know the original artist. I have the Pam Hall version. Enjoy...

"Oppa? Are you coming tonight to the movies?" you asked excitedly.

"Mianhae jagi. But I have to work" he said in a disappointing tone.

"It's okay, I'll go by myself" you said and bid your goodbyes and hung up.

You went to the theaters and sat in a spot where it felt comfortable for you. The lights began to dim and the door opened. Walking in was your friend and your boyfriend. Holding hands and smiling at eachother. They made their way and sat in front of you. He kissed her lips and you felt like you died. And when the movie continued to play, you began crying.

How could he?

So you got up and walked home. Practically tripping over everything or just nothing. You unlocked your door and said hi to your Mom.

"Hey ba... What happened?" she asked as she saw the tears streaming down your face more freely.

What should I say?

So in order for her to kind of tell the truth, you answered...

"Sad movies make me cry."

Hello my fellow readers. I hope you have an enjoyable time reading these. Thank you guys for reading. It means a lot. Have an awesome day!

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