Cuddle For A Win: Jackson (Requested)

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"You promise?" Jackson asked as him and his group was walking up to the stage.

"I promise" you said holding out your pinkie finger and he gladly took it.

"You can't go back on your word" he said.

"I know. Just do your part and I'll do mine" you smiled and blew a kiss towards him.

All the groups were on stage now. Waiting for the group to be announce for no.1 this week. It was either between MAMAMOO and GOT7. The announcers tallied up the points and GOT7 ended up winning. They all looked so shocked, their eyes wide open and their mouths hanging down. They did their speech and they did their encore. The boys then came down stage and Jackson came straight to you.

"W-We won! Again!" he exclaimed.

"I know babe. Congrats babe!" you smiled and hugged and kissed him.

You guys deepened the kiss, but soon the moment was ruined by the boys.

"Hate to ruin your lovey dovey moment... But can we take a picture?" BamBam asked and you shot a death glare at him.

Jackson kissed your cheek and went to take a picture with his group. After a few pictures here and there, Jackson came and hugged you.

"I can't believe we won!" he said and walked with you to the car.

You got in and drove home. The moment you got home, he hopped into bed with a smile on his face. You smiled at how happy he was. You then went and laid right next to him.

"Come here" you said and he looked at you weirdly.

"Why?" he asked.

"To fulfil my promise for you" you said and he smiled widely.

He came closer to you and you wrapped your arms around his body, wrapping one of your legs around his legs, and rested your head on his chest. All you could hear was his heartbeat and his breathing.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too. My winner" you said.

"I like the sound of that" he smiled and planted a kiss on your head.


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