If You Do: JR

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You just finished working the late night hours so you can have the next two weeks off. You walked into the house to find nobody in the living room. You went to check the bedroom and saw that the bed was neatly made and nobody was in it. So you concluded that he was either in the bathroom or the art room that you and him shared. You looked and saw that the light not on and so you headed down there. As you were walking down there, you could hear a ball being bounced on the ground and somebody catching it. You walked closer to hear a voice mutter things under his breath.

"What are you doing down here?" you asked as you tried to keep your eyes open.

"Nothing," he snapped.

"Are you okay?" you asked as he kept ignoring you.

Each throw would become harder and louder to the point that it went through some paintings. And he lost it. He got up and ripped up some of your art pieces.

"What are you doing!?" you shrieked as the painting that you have been working on was now in two pieces.

"I know you've been cheating with my older brother JB!" he said.

"What no I am not!" you said about to cry "I would never cheat on you!"

"Than why are you all of sudden working these late hours?" he yelled.

"Tonight was the last night for that. And I worked late night shifts because it would be faster for me ro have my vacation since I know that me and you don't really have time together that much!" you screamed.

His face softened as he finally noticed the tears and the tiredness in your eyes.

"Baby... I am so sorry. Please forgive me!" JR pleaded.

"You'll be forgiven if we can go to sleep," you said.

He chuckled as he nodded and carried you bridal style to the bed room.

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