Clumsy - Roman x Patton

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Trigger warning: blood

Patton wasn't clumsy often, on the rare occasion he was it was usually over small things such as dropping whatever he was holding or tripping over his feet.

This time, though, it wasn't his fault, his shoelaces came undone, he didn't mean to trip on them fall to the ground with a loud thump.

"Ow," he mumbled, rubbing his head. After getting over the initial shock he felt a pain in his left hand, he looked it over and his eyes widened, a scream ready to shoot out didn't, he was in too much shock, once again.

"Patton?" Romans' voice snapped him from whatever trance he was in, he looked at the doorway and back at his hand.

"Oh no, oh no" he mumbled, jumping up. Quickly cleaning everything up he held a tissue wrapped around his hand and hid it under the table, smiling at Roman who walked in with concern written on his face.

"Are you alright?" Roman asked, walking over to his boyfriend. "I heard a loud noise" he added, Patton turned to him and discreetly held his hand behind his back, smiling reassuringly even though the pain was getting ten times worse.

Roman stared at him with a risen eyebrow, "I'm fiIiiIne" Patton tried to say but a sudden pain shot through his arm from his hand, making him have to hold back a groan while talking.

Roman narrowed his eyes in suspicion and Patton chuckled nervously, "Really! Don't worry!" Patton kissed his cheek and Roman looked down at his hands, he only saw one.

"Patton, let me see your hand"

"Whaaat? Why...why would you want that?" Patton said, backing away slowly. Roman reached for his hand and Patton yelped, jumping away.

"What is it, Patton? I promise I won't freak out" Roman said, walking closer to his boyfriend he was very worried for. Patton only shook his head and kept reassuring him everything was fine but every time he did he just looked more in pain.

"Patton, please" Roman finally begged, giving him a look of worried mixed with concern and slight hurt. Patton sighed and ducked his head down, slowly moving his hand around for Roman to see.

He heard a gasp and two gentle hands hold his wrist, "Patton...Cookie, what happened? Oh my gosh it's bleeding fast"

"It is!?" Patton worried, pulling his hand back to look.

Roman had pulled away the blood-soaked tissue to see the gash from the gap between his thumb and finger across the back of his hand to the top of his wrist.

"How did you do this?!" Roman questioned while grabbing the med kit.

"I don't...I don't know" Patton whispered, "Thankfully it doesn't need stitching" Roman mumbled, cleaning the cut. Patton hissed and gripped the counter, crying out.

"Shh, it's going to be okay" Roman soothed, leaning over and kissing his cheek. Patton gave him a weak smile and Roman finished cleaning the blood and disinfecting the cut. He wrapped a bandage around it and pressed a kiss to it.

He smiled at Patton who had watched him, "It helps" He said, shrugging. Patton glided his fingers across the bandage softly and sighed, mumbling a sorry to Roman.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I lied to you, I didn't want you to worry! I'm sorry" Patton frowned, Roman carefully picked him up and set him on the counter.

"It's okay, Cookie, I know I can get a bit...overprotective but that's what boyfriends do, right? I need to worry for you, or it would seem like I don't care, and I care very much" Roman smiled, Patton giggled and wiped his tears away, leaning down and kissing Romans lips softly.

"Thank time I get hurt I promise I'll tell you!"

Roman smiled and they shared another kiss, Roman picked him up by his waist and Patton wrapped his legs around him. "Where do you wish to go, Cookie?"

Patton hummed, grinning. "The couch? I wanna cuddle" Patton blushed lightly.

"Say no more" Roman replied, carrying his Patton to the living room where he sat on the couch with him on his lap. Patton put his legs either side or him, wrapped his arms around his neck and rested his head on his shoulder.

"I love you, thanks for saving my hand!"

Roman chuckled and rubbed his back softly, "You're welcome, anything for you and your hands"


*clicks fingers* MI AMIGO!

So, this is the second book, hope you like

Do you guys like the cover? I like the cover(^∇^)

Anywho I've been thinking about making an actual book with the sides, idk yet, someone requested to do a book about Romans and Virgil's relationship in Fake Happiness in my old book, would you guys want that or a new idea?

Idk yet, anyway I hope you enjoyed!

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