Hidden Injury - Roman x Virgil

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Trigger warning: serious injury


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Roman winced, collapsing to the ground, he heard the below of laughter behind him. With narrowed eyes he turned around and threw his sword, piercing the heart of the monster and sending it to the ground with a pained yell.

Roman breathed in deeply through gritted teeth and slowly stood up, limping over to the body and pulling out his sword. He cleaned it on the grass and put it away.

"Ow, Ow, Ow..." he muttered, taking away his hand to see a deep gash on the side of his stomach, he let out a cry of pain and bit his lip, clenching his hand around his arm too try and balance out the pain but it only worked for a few seconds before he was on the floor again, writhing in pain.

He finally stood up and dragged himself out of the dream world, slamming the door shut behind him. Making sure to not get blood anywhere he stumbled to his room, falling onto the floor and kicked the door shut with his foot.

"Owwww" he cried, using his arm to sit him up, putting pressure on his side.

He limped to the bathroom to try and wrap a bandage around him but he heard his bedroom door open. Eyes wide he went as fast as he could to the bathroom door and shut it just enough to see a small fraction of him, hiding his injury.


"Greetings, Virgil!" Virgil flinched and looked at the bathroom door, confused.

"What are you doing?" He asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Oh...nothing" Roman brushed it off, he hid a wince and asked what he needed.

"Oh just...I heard a loud noise, you okay?"

"Pffft me? Ow" he muttered quietly, Virgil rose his eyebrow. "I'm fine, Virgil! I accidentally dropped something, do not worry, I appreciate the concern!" He slipped back into the bathroom fully and closed the door, a cry of pain slipping past his shut lips.

Virgil didn't hear it and walked to the door, he was about to leave when he saw blood on the floor. His eyes narrowed and he walked to the bathroom door, opening it quickly incase Roman tried to stop him.

"Roman!" Virgil exclaimed, looking at the blood seeping down his side. Roman yelped and tried to look as casual as he could, "hello! How are you?" Virgil ignored him and dashed over, softly pressing his fingers on the skin next to it and staring deeply at the gash.

Roman winced, gripping the sink tightly. "V-Virgil, it's fine-"

"It's not fine! Look at it, Roman! You could die" he worried, grabbing a cloth and dabbing it softly, cleaning away the blood, Roman let him help and clenched his eyes shut, whimpers escaping him every few seconds.

Virgil disinfected the gash and went to wrap a bandage around it but he paused, looking up at Roman. "This needs stitches"

"Oh, I was afraid you would say that" he mumbled, not daring to look at it.

"We can't go to the hospital...they'll realise Thomas's personalities are...human" Virgil sighed, digging around the first aid kit.

"The next best thing is for me to do it" He muttered, "what about Logan?" Roman asked, tilting his head back and gritting his teeth.

"Uh, remember last time?"

"Ugh, I'd rather not, Disney that hurt..." he muttered to himself, Virgil did his best job at stitching the wound closed, let's just say he did a way better job than Logan had last time Roman got hurt.

Wrapping a bandage around it for protection Virgil helped him slowly walk to the bed, laying him down on the soft mattress and bringing the covers to his chin, he had already taken off his top half of clothes, so he wasn't staining his bed with blood.

"Thank you" Roman smiled, reaching over and holding Virgils hand in his own.

"Yeah yeah, just tell me next time, I worry about you...when you go fighting monsters, you could die, Roman" Virgil frowned, hating that his mind thought of situations where Roman could actually die.

Roman chuckled softly, smiling at his worried boyfriend. "I will be fine, Virgil, besides I can teleport to you whenever I am in need of care"

"You better, otherwise when I'm done with you you'll need even more care" Roman chuckled, making Virgil smile slightly.

He shuffled up the bed and leaned on the bedrest, Roman scooted closer and rested his head next to his thigh, his body warmth heating him up. He fell asleep pretty quickly, fighting off Thomas's nightmare monsters are tiring.

Virgil moved his hand and softly combed his fingers through his silky hair.

"Goodnight, moron"

Thanks for the request!

It's the hap-happiest season of all

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It's the hap-happiest season of all

With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings

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It's the hap-happiest season of all!

Sorry, had to! Haha

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