Secret Pet - Roman x Logan

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I published the first part to the sequel of Fake Happiness! (Which is a book about Thomas and his sides) Go reeeeaaaad! It's called Real Happiness!

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I published the first part to the sequel of Fake Happiness! (Which is a book about Thomas and his sides) Go reeeeaaaad! It's called Real Happiness!

Roman had a secret.

A big secret, a secret so big that if it were to be let out all hell would break lose.

Calling it a big secret was the understatement of the year, nevertheless Roman kept his big secret until one day one trait had to go into his room.

"Roman I-..." Logan cut himself short when his eyes landed on the "secret" that was currently laying on Romans bed. It's head perked up and it stared at Logan silently still.

Logan backed away slowly, using his foot to pull the door closed with him. He turned and sprinted down the hall but didn't get far before he crashed into Roman, sending them both to the floor.

"Logan? What's wrong? Why are you running! I WILL DEFEAT THE DEMONS THAT CHASE YOU!" He yelled bravely, standing up and making his sword appear in his hands.

"" he whispered in pure terror. Roman furrowed his eyebrows in confusion until it clicked, a smile stretching across his face.

"Ah, you've met Rajah!" He grinned, putting away his sword.

"Ra-who? No" he stood up, "there is a tiger in your room! Care to explain how it got there?"

"Once upon a time-"

"Roman" Logan huffed, Roman mimicked him and sighed. "I found him in the imagination, he was hurt! I couldn't leave him there!"

"Yes, you could have, do you know how? By walking away" Roman rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "No wonder animals stray far from you" Logan sighed, glaring at him.

"Get rid of it"

"No" Roman replied, glaring. "He is mine-"

"He's a wild beast! He could kill us!"

"Oh don't be so dramatic, here" Roman grabbed his arm and teleported into the room, Logan struggled and yelled at him but Roman pulled him over.

The Tiger, Rajah, lifted his head again and lazily crawled over Romans lap, Logan was pulled down and Rajah rested his head on Logans lap. Logan tensed up, one hand gripping Romans arm and the other the bedsheets under him.

Roman gave him a reassuring smile and Logan slowly calmed down, but still didn't dare touch him.

Roman did it for him, scratching Rajah's head. Logan wanted to leave, he didn't like this.


"He's fine-"

"Roman, please" he whispered, Roman frowned and lifted Rajah, Logan instantly stood up and ducked out of the room. His frown deepened and Roman let Rajah lay on the bed again before teleporting after him.

He found the logical trait drinking some water in the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, Logan, I-"

"It is fine" Logan cut him short, putting down his glass. Roman wasn't convinced and he hugged Logan from behind, kissing his cheek.

"I'm sorry, truly I am, forgive me? You'll never see Rajah again..." Logan sighed and relaxed against Roman, closing his eyes.

"I forgive you, Romeo"

Roman smiled, "thank you, Gumdrop"


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