Third Book - Please Read!

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The third sander side OneShot book should be up on my page right now!

How have I literally just realised that this note is the 200th part?! Like, fuck I did not take long to finish this book lol

So...this is the end of this book...yep...

It's been one hell of a book, huh? With this and the damn why is anyone reading? I'm not the best author, fuck I'm far from it but at least I'm not the worst.

I'm getting better....hopefully

Actually, I used to write a couple years ago, holy shit they were bad

Why am I swearing so much? Lol, I apologise

Thank you so much for reading this book....I am overwhelmed by the support I get...and how anyone likes my writing

I know I can be better, and some oneshots are better than others, I'm just...I can't believe people would want to read what I write but thank you so much

Thomas Sanders fan base is literally the best, everyone is so nice!

I mean...there are a lot of OneShot books based around Thomas's sides, and I read a few of them, they're really good but that's not the point...point is most only have one book up so far (one oneshot book about sander sides) (a few have more) But I feel like I'm...over publishing? If that makes sense?

Like, I'm posting too much? I just really like writing and if I don't write for a day I feel really that weird?

I've said this before and you all said you didn't mind so I'm going to push the bad thoughts away and publish how ever much I want, I guess

So...thanks for reading my second OneShot book!

Real question you want a third? Or is it too much? I understand if it is...

But anyway, thank you for reading, I will announce tomorrow if I am making a new OneShot book for Thomas's sides...

It's up to you guys, though! Cus I can stop if you want, haha.

Anyway once again, thank you so much...!

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